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Mise à jour de la liste : 18 juin 2002
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Accueil > Rubriques > Aide à la recherche > Associations professionnelles |
AQRP - Association britannique de praticiens de la recherche qualitative.
Associazione scientifico professionale dei sociologi italiani - Association Italienne de Sociologie.
Population Association of Pakistan - PAP is a non-profit, scientific, professional association established for individuals and organizations interested in population in the Pakistani context. Ce site présente une liste de liens utiles.
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Accueil > Rubriques > Aide à la recherche > Cours de méthodologie et sujets reliés |
Frédéric D'Astous - Réalisation d'une recherche à caractère touristique. - Mon site relatif à ce cours que je dispense au Cégep de Granby à la session d'automne 2000.
Claude Martel - Information marketing et comportement du consommateur. - Site de ce professeur du Cégep de Sherbrooke (Qc Canada), créé pour appuyer les étudiants dans leurs démarches d'apprentissage. Ce cours permet à l’élève de développer des techniques afin d’étudier le comportement de différents types de consommateurs.
Field Study in Conflict & Harmony: Syllabus - Page descriptive d'un cours de Jeeny Bear, professeur au Bryn Mawr College.
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Accueil > Rubriques > Aide à la recherche > Ethique de la recherche |
Applied Ethics in Professional Practice - This project is provided by the Professional Engineering Practice Liaison Program of the College of Engineering University of Washington.
ASA Code of Ethics - Code d'éthique de l'Association américaine de sociologie.
Virginia Tech's Ethics in Science Selected ressources and essays in science ethics. Selected essays on ethics in science: Ethics in Science, Bad Science, Misconduct in Science,
On Being a Scientist, Document of the Commitee on Science, Engineering, and public Policy - The Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy (COSEUP) is a joint committee of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. It includes members of the councils of all three bodies.Washington, D.C. 1995.
Northeastern University Center for the Advancement of Science Education (NUCASE)Northeastern University Center for the Advancement of Science Education (NUCASE) was established in 1990 for science students who wish to investigate and respond to ethical concerns through a combination of reflection (StepBack) and more active research and problem solving (StepForward).
The Centre for Applied Ethics at the University of British Columbia - The Centre was formally created in 1993 by the University of British Columbia's Board of Governors as an independent unit in the Faculty of Graduate Studies. It is primarily an interdisciplinary research centre which studies a diverse range of topics.
The Loka Institute - Making Research, Science & Technology Responsive to Democratically Decided Social & Environmental Concerns. The Loka Institute is a non-profit research and advocacy organization concerned with the social, political, and environmental repercussions of research, science and technology.
Poynter Center - The Indiana University established the Center in 1972 with a major gift from the late Nelson Poynter. An IU alumnus, Mr. Poynter was chairmanof the board of the Times Publishing Company, which publishes the St. Petersburg Times and Congressional Quarterly. His initial award, prompted by his concern about the erosion of public confidence in civic institutions, supported five years of research.
Conseil de la Recherche en Sciences Humaines du Canada - Page présentant le document "Éthique de la recherche avec des êtres humains. Ce document sert de politique pour examiner les enjeux éthiques reliés aux demandes de subventions. (anglais et français)
Ethics Page from the University of Wisconsin at Madison - Very exhaustive list of links to various websites on medical ethics, business ethics, professional ethics, and engineering & science ethics.
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Accueil > Rubriques > Aide à la recherche > Publications en-ligne |
Electronic Journal of Sociology - Journal en-ligne consacré à la sociologie.
Esprit critique - Engendrer un espace de collaboration et de communication entre les sociologues francophones de partout dans le monde. Créer un espace de réflexion pour confronter les idées à l'échelle internationale.
Social Research Update - A quarterly electronic journal which covers new developments in social research, one per issue. Univ. of Surrey, UK. Methods of doing social research are continually advancing. New developments in information technology enable complex analyses. In face of all this change, social researchers, pressurised to produce results, often do not have time to keep up with the latest developments. It is this gap that Social Research Update attempts to fill. Editor: Nigel Gilbert. Among those articles you can read Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing ,Official Social Classifications, Telephone Interviewing
Social science paper publisher SSPP.net - Is an online journal founded in 1997 by Alain Samson, a graduate student in sociology who recently transferred control of the website to a small group of volunteer editors. At present, there are six, active editors from various parts of the globe; we are all students and have never met in person. SSPP.net is a not-for-profit academic forum dedicated to the presentation of broadly sociological works. It strongly encourages submissions from other related disciplines (e.g., anthropology, political science, etc.). We publish both theoretical and empirical papers from authors at all academic levels.
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Accueil > Rubriques > Aide à la recherche > Ressources thématiques diverses |
Evaluation of information sources - This page contains pointers to criteria for evaluating information resources, particularly those on the Internet.
Generalized linear models (GLMs) is maintained by Gordon Smyth, Department of Mathematics, University of Queensland (Australia). Those techniques are used to do regression modelling for non-normal data with a minimum of extra complication compared with normal linear regression. GLMs are flexible enough to include a wide range of common situations, but at the same time allow most of the familiar ideas of normal linear regression to carry over.
Glossary of Selected Social Science Computing Terms and Social Science Data Terms - Located on the server of the University of California at San Diego (California, USA), this glossary includes terms which you may find useful in managing data collections and providing basic data services. It does not attempt to cover all social science research terms or all computer terms.
Infobourg Prof - Section relative aux compétences. Répertoire québécois de ressources pédagogiques.
ISEF - Index des sites éducatifs francophones. Répertoire franco-québécois de ressources pédagogiques.
Qualitative Research in Information Systems - This resource aims to provide qualitative researchers in IS - and those wanting to know how to do qualitative research - with useful information on the conduct, evaluation and publication of qualitative research. It is a very complete resource.
The question bank - The Question Bank is an on-line social suvey resource of the CASS (the Center fo Applied Social Surveys). The mission of CASS is to strengthen skills in survey design and analysis in the UK social science research community. It was created by the Resource Centre of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) jointly with the Social and Community Planning Research (SCPR) and the University of Southampton, with the University of Surrey.
Sociology cafe - Sociology resource - It is a place where people interested by sociology can meet. They have also a list of links related to this science.
Statistics glossary by Valerie J. Easton & John H. McColl - Various definitions of terms regrouped by topics.
The Virtual Data Center Project: - It is an operational, open-source, digital library to enable the sharing of quantitative research data, and the development of distributed virtual collections of data and documentation.
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Accueil > Rubriques > Aide à la recherche > Pages personnelles reliées aux sciences sociales |
J. Coates Teaching sociology - Other sources of interest - List of links of this teacher of the University of Leicester, UK.
Doris Lavoie : Travail Social & Suite de Sites de Soutien Social - Il s'agit du site d'un travailleur social renfermant plusieurs liens touchant des domaines associés aux PAE (Programmes d'Aide aux Employés), à l'aide psychosociale (principalement pour les familles de militaires déployés) et au Travail Social en général, y compris la recherche (tout particulièrement sur le concept de "Pair Aidant" en milieu adulte). Ce site comprend également un répertoire très exhaustif des ressources communautaires de la région de l'Outaouais (québécois et ontarien). On y remarque aussi aussi une banque de liens consacrés à la recherche sociale.
Lucinda F. San Giovanni, Ph.D. - Professor San Giovanni (B.A. Seton Hall University, 1964; M.A. Columbia University, 1968; Ph.D. Rutgers University, 1973) is a member of the Department of Sociology/Anthropology at Seton Hall University. She has done extensive research in the area of sport and society, with a special focus on the Olympic Games, gender and sport.
Página pessoal de José Pinheiro Neves. - Page de ressources de ce professeur de du Département de Sociologie à l'Institut des Sciences Sociales de l'Université de Minho au Portugal.
Thomas Franklin Waters, Ph.D. - Associate Professor of Criminal Justice at Northern Arizona University in Yuma.
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