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What is keeping a web site alive, is its frequent updating. After leaving this site for quite some times, I decided to restart updating it. This page is created to help the visitors to keep in touch with the evolution of this web site. All the modifications will be listed here.
You can also go to the archive to find a list of all topics and articles. Meanwhile any addition will be done both language. Please note : many articles of the archive are currently translated. But everything should be translated within a reasonable delay.
Do not hesitate to send me your comments.
Your webmaster : Frédéric D'Astous
Revision of various elements of navigation. |
Revision of the last article : which is how to build a grid to analyse the content of a document. |
A new article is added. Its title is how to build a grid to analyse the content of a document. The preceding article Structure of a questionnaire is now in data collection. |
A new article is added. Its title is Structure of a questionnaire. The preceding article Various factors influencing a margin of error - Part 3 is now in data collection.
New set of colors. |
A new article is added. Its title is Various factors influencing a margin of error - Part 3. The preceding article Part 2 is now in data collection. |
A new article is added. Its title is Various factors influencing a margin of error - Part 2. The preceding article Part 1 is now in data collection. |
A new resource was added to the list of links Population Association of Pakistan . |
Many new resources where added to the list of links. Among them : The Australian Bureau of Statistics World Bank Bureau of Labor statistics. Central Bureau of Statistics (Israel) Eurostat Fond Monétaire International Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática (INEGI) The Labour Force Survey OCDE - Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Économique Statistics Belgium Statistique Suisse United Nation Statistical Division World Health Organisation Associazione scientifico professionale dei sociologi italiani ASA Code of Ethics Virginia Tech's Ethics in Science On Being a Scientist Northeastern University Center for the Advancement of Science Education (NUCASE) The Centre for Applied Ethics at the University of British Columbia The Loka Institute Poynter Center Conseil de la Recherche en Sciences Humaines du Canada Ethics Page from the University of Wisconsin at Madison Social Science Pages - The school of family and computer sciences at University of Akron Sociology resources at USMA. University Library, California State University, Long Beach - Topic : Sociology Glossary of Selected Social Science Computing Terms and Social Science Data Terms Esprit critique |
A new article is added. Its title is Various factors influencing a margin of error - Part 1. The preceding article The advisers and specialists as documentary sources is now in data collection. |
Many new resources were added in the list of links. Among them : Cairo Demographic Center Danmarks Statistik Antologia deRecursos de Matemàtiques a Internet, Llegits, Anotats i Recomanats Laboratoire d'Analyse Secondaire et de Méthodes Appliquées à la Sociologie Institut du Longitudinal Palestinian Public Opinion Polls - at The Jerusalem Media & Communication Centre (JMCC) The Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Research (TSC) Generalized linear models (GLMs) Qualitative Research in Information Systems The Virtual Data Center Project Esprit critique Also, many new topics of search engines were also added. |
A new article is added. Its title is The advisers and specialists as documentary sources The preceding article The issues related to practical assessment of a margin of error is now in data collection. |
Implementation of a new graphical element within the menu. |
An article is translated from the archive. It's title isThe focus group. |
A new article is added. Its title is The issues related to practical assessment of a margin of error The preceding article Is it an efficient stratgy to use a questionnaire created by someone else is now in data collection. |
Many new resources were added in the list of links. Cairo Demographic Center , Danmarks Statistik , Alternative Methods for Collecting Evaluation DataCollège Vanier - Outils de recherche pour projets ,Evaluation of information sources , Field Study in Conflict & Harmony: Syllabus , Página pessoal de José Pinheiro Neves. |
Many new resources were added in the list of links.Academic infoUniversité de Montréal : Bibliothèque des Sciences humaines , Social Science Research Methods: Resources for Teachers , Social science hub RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) - Social Science , Sociology in Switzerland . |
Many new resources were added in the list of links. Resources for Methods in Evaluation and SocialResearch - A sociological tour through cyberspace - Social Science Research Methods: Resources for Teachers - J. Coates Teaching sociology - Other sources of interest - Claude Martel - Information marketing et comportement du consommateur. |
A new article is added in the french and the english versions of this website. Its title is Is it an efficient stratgy to use a questionnaire created by someone else. The preceding article Overview of survey methodology - Part 7 : Analyzing the data prior to the survey report. in data collection. |
Many new links are added to the list of links related to social sciences and methodology. |
A new article is added in the french and the english versions of this website. Its title is Overview of survey methodology - Part 7 : Analyzing the data prior to the survey report. The preceding article Overview of survey methodology - Part 6 : Various sampling strategies in data collection. |
Updates of the list of links related to survey. Those resources were added :Sociology cafe - Sociology resource ,Social Research Update, Social science paper publisher SSPP.net ,Doris Lavoie : Travail Social & Suite de Sites de Soutien Social . |
A new article is added in the french and the english versions of this website. Its title is Overview of survey methodology - Part 6 : Various sampling strategies. The preceding article Overview of survey methodology - Part 5 : Taking decisions related to sampling in data collection. |
A new article is added in the french and the english versions of this website. Its title is Overview of survey methodology - Part 5 : Taking decisions related to sampling. The preceding article Overview of survey methodology - Part 4 : The issues related to the distribution of the questionnaire in data collection. |
A new article is added in the french and the english versions of this website. Its title is Overview of survey methodology - Part 4 : The issues related to the distribution of the questionnaire. The preceding article Overview of survey methodology, Part 3 : The questionnaire in data collection. |
A new article is added in the french and the english versions of this website. Its title is Overview of survey methodology - Part 3 : the questionnaire. The preceding article Overview of survey methodology, Part 2 : assessing various characteristics of a survey environment and probable results in data collection. |
A new article is added in the french and the english versions of this website. Its title is Overview of survey methodology - Part 2 : assessing various characteristics of a survey environment and probable results. The preceding article Overview of survey methodology, part 1 : preliminary identification of the goal is now in data collection. |
Major improvement to the source code. |
A new article is added simultaneously in the english and the french versions of this website. Its title is Overview of survey methodology, part 1 : preliminary identification of the goal It is the first article of a series related to survey procedure. The preceding article The role of hypothesis when you're planning a research is now in data collection. |
The url of the Canadian Intellectual property Office is now on the list of websites related to copyrights. Also, some information are added to the warning about the copyright of this website. |
A new set of colors is used for the titles and also the buttons. |
A new section related top sampling is created. This new topic is created with a redistribution from the topic data collection. |
The articles entitled Using lists and Creating a sample from a population are now translated. |
Some icons where added to identify the links to the french and english versions of the website. A few improvements were also made to the html code. |
A new article is added simultaneously in the english and the french versions of this website. Its title is The role of hypothesis when you're planning a research. The preceding article related to the cluster sampling in now in the section data collection. |
Translation of the page related to copyrights. |
A form was created to help the visitor to suggest a new link in the list of web sites related to surveys. |
Improvement of the translation.
New resources added in the page Links about surveys. You will find the Alambina (built environment resource center) and the Applied Ethics in Professional Practice. |
A new article is added simultaneously in the english and the french versions of this website. Its title is No list? Use the cluster or area random sampling. The preceding article related to past experiences of individuals with surveys in now in the section Behavior of populations. |
Translation of another article of the archive. Its title is Choosing words for questions related to a frequency of use |
Translation of two articles of the archive. The titles are Looking at a problem and Protection of privacy Now all articles of the archive related to Attitude and ethics are translated. |
Translation of an article of the archive. Its title is Keeping your objectivity. |
Two new links in the topic personal pages in the list of link.
The list of topics related to copyrights are now included in the index of the archive. Also some modifications are made to the presentation of that page. |
Modifications of various elements in order to improve the navigation within this website, including the menu. |
Translation of the introduction text of each topic in the archive. New buttons were added. |
Translation of various elements of the website, including the "text menu" located at the bottom of each page. |
A new article is added simultaneously in the english and the french versions of this website. Its title is Influence of past experience of individuals with the use of scale in surveys. The preceding article in now in the section Data collection |
Translation of the most recent article : How to keep the link between the goal of a survey and a questionnaire.
Translation of the "archive". The description of each archived article will be translated when the article itself will be translated. The link will be changed accordingly. |
A new frames structure was created with menu identifying the pages that are already translated. Translation of links about surveys page.
Translation of the "comments page" Creation of the english version of this web site. At this time the Welcome page is online and this What's new page. |
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