Second Amendment Foundation  2002 Gun Rights Policy Conference  IN PHOENIX Sept 27, 28, 29

2002 Freedom Summit October 12 and 13

Welcome to Their Nightmare


Phoenix RKBA

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Legalities and Self

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Activism on the

Doctrines and
Covenants #134

God & Gun Rights 

In the News

Meeting Politicos

Checking Guns

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Check Out Protest #1:
Photo1 Photo2 

Protest #2


Armed Females of America


His fellow Mormons are ashamed of him Chicken Shit Supreme Court "Hello. I'm a frickin' dumb-ass."
DOR Phone: 602-542-3572

Mark "Leaflet Me" Killian
Director, AZ Dept of Revenue

Mark Killian orchestrated Jane Hull's ouster as Speaker of the House in 1993 and installed himself as Speaker. Mark used to be a pro-RKBA (right to keep and bear arms) legislator.
However, when his job is on the line, he turns tail on his principle and denies all of his employees, and de-facto, all state employees, the ability to protect themselves. Read his "Leadership Philosophy" where it says that we are to be "accountable for our own actions" and that we should be "treated with dignity,
honesty, and respect."

The honoring of the right to self defense would be a good start.

Supreme Court On Trial?

The Arizona Supreme Court refused to consider a very important case. Ernest Hancock's Special Action is designed not only to remind us all what the purpose of government is, but to show that the men and women in black robes no longer consider the Arizona Constitution a document that enshrines individual rights and  limits their power but as an obstacle to navigate around so as to whittle away our rights, bit by bit. 

Ernie Hancock filed a stinging response  to the anti-gun rights filing of Democrat gubernatorial candidate Janet Napalitano as he cited the words of a dozen Founding Fathers and other historical documents. The Supreme Court then refused to hear the case and in cowardly fashion refuses to tell us why. We know why. They couldn't argue against it and didn't want to support it.

Visit: Jail4Judges

DOA Phone: 602-542-1500

Elliott "Pontius Pilate" Hibbs
Director, Dept of Administration

Legislators say he is the Einstein behind removing market forces from state employee health insurance. There is now only one choice for a health insurance provider, Cigna. As a result, the premium paid by the employee went up as did the co-pay for office visits and medication. Gee,
thanks Elliot. 

Just ask Representative Debra
why she thinks Hibbs is gargantuan buffoon.
Mark Killian made the mistake off approving middle-management suck-ups circulating a petition in support of his stupid policy. What happens to those who sign (promotions?). What about those who won't? Hostile work environment? Freedom Of Information Act requests have been filed. No response as yet from the reptilian bureaucrats.

Help me! Help Meeeeeeeee!!!Why is Jane's picture so small now?

Because she's an irrelevant lame-duck with failing courage and no principles

You can still contact her to piss her off, if you want.
Governor's web page 602-542-4331
Jane's Contact form 
She wants Betsey Bayless to
succeed her in the Governor's
chair. But we have begun to go after Betsey in the primary due to her failure to overturn the policy