
Doctrines and Covenants.

Is Mark Killian following the Word of God?

Conference Report, October 1939, p.11
We believe that governments were instituted of God for the benefit of
man; and that he holds men accountable for their acts in relation to
them both in making laws and administering them, for the good and
safety of society. We believe that no government can exist in peace,
except such laws are framed and held inviolate as will secure to each
individual the free exercise of conscience, the right and control of
property and the protection of life.
(D. and C. 134:1-2).

Conference Report, October 1939, p.11
Thus we can stand for no cause and can support no state fostering a
cause that would seek to compel the consciences of men, that would set
up the state as deity, that would destroy private property, that
bulwark of a peaceful, stable ordered society, indeed of civilization
itself, that would make men slaves of the state to the destruction of
all safety, due protection of life and limb, and all individual
liberty, that would blot out the Christian home.

See also David Kopel
