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Nebulous Entity in Daylight photo by Craig Ballam
Frozen_Hot's favourite exhibit at The Burn

What is a RetroTechnology, anyway?

Anything that avoids the "convenience" of modern retail science may qualify. When you have to upgrade it to enjoy the full impact of the latest whirligig, it loses the title. If you have to subscribe, if it has to be plugged in, or if it can't be made without plastic, it doesn't qualify.

My favorite RetroTechnologies are things that out-perform modern do-dads-and-don'ts, with less effort and less dollar cost.

On a sunny day (or on the playa) you can save fuel by setting up a solar cooker.  You might want to enjoy the eloquence of draping, instead of sewing or buying clothes. Or you could avoid doctors and heal yourself with the Taoist diet, Macrobiotics.

What is M O R T doing at The Burn?

This act intends to teach people the old and easier ways of doing things. We see ourselves between the Future and the Primordium. We bring forward what has been forgotten, so we may ensure our future.

This is usually taught by the cross-platform methods of story-telling, rumor mill, and live demonstration.  See our schedule for more info. Sorry, no Disneyland ride and no wet bar :(

We hope to park it at the intersection of 3:00 and Uranus

MORT is currently seeking early-bird volunteers to help raise the bigtop. We will need about 12 bodies for not more than 10 minutes, sometime before Thor'sday.
Contact Frozen Hot for more details
We should have a leaflet posted at the main bulleting board.

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