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Acronym & Definition Lookup Names
Bullet Speeds Numbers (The Very Small and Very Large)
Caffeine Levels In Food & Drugs Pollen and Mold Counts
English: Old, Middle, & Modern Public Bathrooms Around The World
Espionage-High-Spy Radio Stations (Worldwide)
Extremes-The Hardest, Fastest, Hottest, Smallest, Strongest, Etc. Science And Inventions & Medicine
Famous People Sounds of All Sorts (Animals, Movies, Machines...)
Gold Prices (From 1972-Present) Tipping-How Much and When?
Groupings of  Animals & Things (Gaggle, Flock, Pride...) Translating Languages
Measurements (Converting Such) Weather-Past Weather, Daily Sunrise & Sunsets & Current Time World Wide
Movies, TV & Celebrities World Facts

Comments, Questions or Suggestions?

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Science And Inventions

Weapons & Fire Arms Microscopes & Magnification
How Things Work Airplanes & Rockets
The Automobile Other Inventions

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Other Inventions

Images From the History Of Medicine
The collection includes over 60,0000 portraits, pictures of institutions, caricatures, genre scenes, and graphic art in a variety of media, illustrating the social and historical aspects of medicine.

History of the Timepiece
Click on icons below for the next stage in the history from the sundial to atomic clock.

History Of Inventions and Technology (From A to Z)

Questions And Answers By Topic

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Weapons & Fire Arms

The Earliest Hand Guns
Has timeline and pictures.

Directed Energy Weapons (Google)
Often non-lethal but still fascinating.

History Of Inventions and Technology (From A to Z)

Bullet Speeds (Christian-SOS)

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The Automobile

History Of The Automobile
Also learn when cruise control, car air conditioning, air bags and other devices were invented.

History Of Inventions and Technology (From A to Z)

Extremes-The Hardest, Fastest, Hottest, Smallest, Etc. (Christian-SOS)

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Microscopes & Magnification

NanoWorld Image Gallery
See What Various Things Look Like under the Microscope
and how much they're magnified by.

Compare Size Of Virus, Bacteria, Fungus And Raindrop

Seeing & Catching Atoms
Examples show it is possible to see and catch individual atoms routinely using the ORNL atom probe field ion microscope.

The Smallest (Christian SOS)

History Of Inventions and Technology (From A to Z)

Extremes-The Hardest, Fastest, Hottest, Smallest, Etc. (Christian-SOS)

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Airplanes & Rockets

History Of Planes and Rockets (Mostly Rockets)

See The Fastest (Christian-SOS)

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How Things Work

How Stuff Works
Use subject tabs on top to learn how lasers, night googles and everything else works.

How Things Work
Select topic on left for everything from airplanes to woodstoves. 

Espionage-High-Spy (Christian-SOS)

Extremes-The Hardest, Fastest, Hottest, Smallest, Etc (Christian-SOS)

Ask A Scientist-Questions And Answers By Topic

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The Hardest, Fastest, Hottest, Smallest, And Other Extremes

The Hardest Materials The Smallest
The Hottest The Fastest
Numbers (The Largest & Smallest)

The Strongest


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The Smallest

Compare Size Of Virus, Bacteria, Fungus And Raindrop

Extremes-The Hardest, Fastest, Hottest, Smallest, Etc

Microscopes & Magnification (Christian-SOS)

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The Hardest Materials

Knoop Hardness Ratings 
Diamond                                   6,000 - 6,500 
Silicon carbide (solid)                2,130 - 2,140 
Aluminum oxide (corundum)      1,635 - 1,680 
Tungsten carbide (Co binder)    1,000 - 1,500 
Hardened steel                             400 -   800 

Is There Anything On Earth Harder Than A Diamond?
This link says yes. Ultrahard Fullerite.

The Hardest Substances (Google Search)
Diamonds are first. The second hardest substance is a compound make from aluminum, magnesium, and boron.

What Do We Mean By Hardness? (Defined differently Under Brinell, Rockwell and Moh's Scale)
Diamond is the hardest substance on earth-- measuring 10 out of a possible 10 on The Mohs Hardness Scale. In fact, diamond is four times harder than its nearest competitor, which is corundum (sapphire and ruby are both corundums). However, hardness (ability to resist scratching) should not be confused with toughness (durability or ability to resist chipping or breaking). Many gems, such as jade, are actually tougher than diamond. Because diamond has a very pronounced simple cleavage (plains of molecules that can be split apart with relative ease), you can damage a diamond with a careless sharp blow at just the right (or wrong) angle. But a diamond cannot be scratched or cut except with another diamond.

Hardness Between Minerals (Moh's Scale)
Has good pictures too. Mohs' hardness is a measure of the relative hardness and resistance to scratching between minerals.

Hardness Comparison Chart
Compares plastics and metals on left with hardness of minerals on 
right. See also diffusion alloy hardness compared to diamonds

Hardest Metals
The hardest elemental metal is chromium; the softest, cesium.
Tungsten is very hard too.
Extremes-The Hardest, Fastest, Hottest, Smallest, Etc

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The Hottest

How To Convert From Kelvin or Celsius to Fahrenheit & Vice Versa
Enter the temperature # in the box and choose what to convert it to. Then press "convert".

Lab Creates Fusion at Over a Billion Degrees Fahrenheit

Color Temperatures-How Hot Must A Black Body Object Be to Give Off Red, Yellow Or Blue Light?
See also How Hot Such Would Need To Get To Display Other Colors

How Hot Is A Candle Flame And What Gives It Its Color?
(Hint: It's Much Cooler than You Think).

Chart Of Various Flame Temperatures From Wood Flames to Lightning

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The Fastest

Fastest Unmanned Plane Is The X43A Scramjet (7000 MPH)

Air Speed Records From 1906-1976 (Says Which Ones Were Jet Vs. Propeller)

Land Speed Records From 1898 through 1997 (Electric, Gas, Rocket and Jet Engines)

25 Fastest Planes In The World

Motor Cycle Speed Records (1911-1990)

Water Speed Records (1928-1978)

Bullet Speeds (Christian-SOS)

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The Strongest

Bench Press World Records 1969-2007

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Movies & TV

Celebrity Deaths (Christian-SOS)
Find out who's dead and who's alive.

To Download A Song, Just Right Click On The Desired Link and Click "Save Target As".

Watch Classic Cartoons
Free Cartoons, Looney tunes, Hanna-Barbera, etc.
see also Road Runner Cartoons and also Saturday Morning Cartoons

More Hanna-Barbera  and Looney Tunes

Movie & TV Theme Songs
Download the opening theme songs to your favorite movies, cartoons, TV shows and commercials. Also has School House Rock.

Movie Sounds

Brady Bunch Songs & Episodes From Show & Cartoon
Includes :It's A Sunshine Day, Keep On, Time To Change,
We Can Make The World, A Whole Lot Brighter.
Also has summaries of all episodes.

TV Themes & Commercials (Themes Online)
Excellent TV theme songs,, commercials and promotional plug ins, spanning 4 decades. Second Best Site On The Net. Search their section on commercials or go straight to the bottom of the page to search alphabetically.

TV Show Summaries
Alphabetical listing and summaries of US TV shows and cartoons.  Also says who starred in them and when they were on the air.

Links To Stuff From The 1970's
Scroll down for movies, music, and memorabilia.

70's 80's and 90's Songs, Toys, Fashion, Movies, Etc.

TV Commercials From The 1970's
Sometimes site down due to too much traffic. For best results try at off peak hours.

Search For More 1970s Commercials (Google)

Toon Tracker (Main Page)
Scroll down, and click on a link to play
Cartoon Theme Songs from the 1930's through the 1990's.

Toon Tracker Real Audio Cartoon Themes from the 30's, 40's & 50's

Toon Tracker Real Audio Cartoon Themes from the (60-65) 60's

Toon Tracker Real Audio Cartoon Themes from the 1970's

Toon Tracker Real Audio Cartoon Themes from the 1980's and 1990's

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Celebrity Deaths

Who's Alive and Who's Dead
Find the age or age of death of Actors, actresses and other celebrities.

Celebrity Death Beeper 
A mailing list that e-mail announcements when famous people die.

Dead People Server (For Famous People)
Is the actor Adam West from Batman still alive? 
Punch in his full name in their search box to find out!

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Radio Locator (All US And World Wide)
Look up radio stations according to format anywhere in the United States and many places around the world.  Internet streaming radio stations are also listed.

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The Spy Museum

This site has pictures of real life spy gadgets from the Cold War era. See the lipstick that's really a pistol, the watch that's really a camera and the shoe that's a two way radio.

CIA World Factbook (Countries Worldwide) Put in GA too.
Choose a country to find out about it’s religions, population and other facts.

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Bullet Speeds

How Far Will Bullets Go Underwater? (Myth buster Experiment)
8 feet keeps you alive when the shooter shoots straight down.
3 feet keeps you alive when you're shot at a 30 degree angle.
Fast, high caliber bullets disintegrate faster and are least effective.
Click here for exciting discussion on possible flaws in this experiment..

Ballistic Chart For Various Bullets
To get the speed in miles per hour
Take the FPS speed and divide it by 5280.
Then multiply this figure by 3600.

So if a .22 mag., 40 grain solid point goes 1180 FPS.  That's 1180/5280 X 3600
=804 miles per hour!!!!

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English: Old, Middle, & Modern

Hear Chaucer's Middle English From The 14th Century (Audio)
Listen to the Canterbury Tales in Middle English!

Old English Middle English and Modern English
Find out if you could understand someone who spoke English 1000 years ago?

For More click Here

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Numbers (The Very Small and Very Large)

Names Of The Largest and Smallest Numbers Imaginable

The Megapenny Project
How Big Is A Billion Pennies? How about a Quadrillion?
Find out here!

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Acronyms & Definitions

Definitions With Pronunciations
Type word in search box and click on the speaker icon to the right.

Acronym Finder (Find Out What That Word Stands For!!!!!

Other Acronym Lookup Sites

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World Facts

CIA World Factbook (Countries Worldwide) Put in GA too.
Choose a country to find out about it’s religions, population and other facts.

Pick A Date and See What Important Happened
Find out what historical event occurred on your birthday today or 500 years ago!!!!

Complete Sun and Moon Data for Any Day Of The Year
When does the sun set in Alaska on the first day of Summer?  Does the sun rise earlier in Manhattan or Atlanta?  Find out. Just type in the date and US city for times when the sun and moon rise and set.

Just How Far Is It?
Type in two cities or countries and see just how far they are from each other! 

Pronunciation Guide To The Names Of Famous People (Worldwide)

Pro Basket Ball Salary Database (So How Much Do They Make?)

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Free Translations Via Computer (AltaVista)
Use their languages section to look up your search words and translate letters into French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. Also translates these languages back to English.

Other languages, provided by, include Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latin, Norwegian, Russian, Swahili and Swedish.
Includes a Quran translation tool.

Language Identifier
Type in five or more words to and it will guess the language.  From there you can use an Internet translator site to convert to your desired language.

Morse Code To English & Back
Send secret messages in Morse Code to each other and convert them back without any changes in translation!

Translating From Arabic To English And Vice Versa
For Arabic to English, must sign up for their free registration.

Yiddish Slang In English (A Glossary)
Select the first letter of the word you're looking for
or press both the "control button" and  the "F" key to search for the whole word.

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Converting Measurements

Celsius to Fahrenheit and Vice Versa
Convert just about anything to anything else.
Compare speeds, lengths, weights, distances and time, etc.
i.e., Celsius to Fahrenheit, inches to centimeters, pounds to grams, etc.

Currency Conversions
convert 164 currencies into US dollars and back or to each other!

Your Weight On Other Planets, Moons and Stars
Totally useless but fascinating!

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Famous People

See Celebrity Deaths (Christian-SOS)

Pronunciation Guide To The Names Of Famous People (Worldwide)

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Gold Prices From 1972-Present

Highest Price Per Ounce Adjusted For Inflation

Highest And Lowest Prices Since 1972

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Pollen and Mold Counts 

Pollen & Mold Counts In Major US Cities

Local Pollen Reports

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Weather Current Time and Sun Rise/Sun Set

Find Daily Temperature, the Average High & Low For Each Day, & Temperature Records
You must start in sequence to get to the next level. Clicking on link will open up new window on bottom so you can switch back and forth between this link and these instructions below.

  1. For Current Weather, Enter in City or Zip Code
  2. For Records & Averages, then hit "Records & Averages" link near top right
  3. For Daily Records & Averages, look then for link called "Daily Records and Averages at" (above "Rec Low Column")
    To change months, simply click on the desired month above all your data, i.e. Mar or Feb, etc.

Daily Sunrise & Sunsets & Current Time World Wide

Find the Weather on Any Given Date in the Past 30 Years (Free)
Find out the exact weather for any day from Jan 1, 1980 to the present! May indicate temperature, precipitation and whether foggy or rainy or snowy.
Temperatures not always accurate.

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How Much Should You Tip? (United States)
From waitresses, to movers to coat attendants, etc.

Tipping In the US & Canada

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Groupings Of Animals & Things

Collective Nouns By Subject (A-H)
Collective Nouns By Subject (I-Z)

Gaggle of Geese, Flock of Birds, etc.

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Find The Song Just By Humming It/Or Record A Song of Your Own So Others Can Hear it or find out who the songwriter is
So you don’t know the name or the artist? Then just hum it! Their search engine of over 200000 songs will find it for you. Note: To search by humming, you must first do their free sign up and click on their confirmation email that you’ll receive shortly after sign up. Otherwise it won’t work.
Play your music from any computer-Upload to their server and then wherever you are, simply log in to listen.

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Find out How Common Your First and Last Name Is
Name Statistics allows you to find out the ranking of your name and an estimation of how many other people in the United States share the same name as you do. Search box is at the top of the screen!

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Sounds Of All Sorts
All Sorts of Sounds by Subject Matter, Machine, Animal, etc.

Movie Sounds

More Free Sounds

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