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Gail's lemonade stand (Store of Cool Stuff)
Cool Stuff
Saturday, 21 June 2008
Chickadees fledged (or are gone anyway)
Topic: birds
This morning I heard them - this afternoon - not.  No chickadees are visible in the yard.  The babies are gone, one way or another.  I wasn't in the yard much today, so I can only hope they all flew away.

Posted by gail_heineman at 12:55 PM YDT
Updated: Monday, 23 June 2008 3:14 PM YDT
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Wednesday, 18 June 2008
First asparagus harvest of the year
Topic: asparagus
I harvested a good handful of thick stalks and a few thin ones.  I see that last year I harvested first on June 17th, only a day earlier than this year.  So much for a late spring!  I guess the asparagus is not as sensitive to air temperature as other things.

Posted by gail_heineman at 9:45 AM YDT
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Monday, 16 June 2008
Chickadees, nuthatches, juncos, oh my
Topic: birds

The young chickadees in the house above my kitchen window are chirping more loudly now, sounding more like adults and less like peepers.  The two adults are deliving mosquitoes, delphinium defoliaters, and some long-legged flying thing, arriving with beaks full and bug parts sticking out all directions.  A nuthatch family (two adults and a young one, I believe) have begun using the bird feeder like a McDonald's drive up, flitting back and forth between it and the birch/spruce thicket in the back, peeping their little horns frantically.  At least two juncos are the silent users of yard, hopping through the vegetable garden.

When the chickadees sound the alarm with dee-dee-dee I go out and distract the neighbor's cat, who is more interested in getting picked up and petted than stalking birds, although I'm sure he'd kill all the birds he could catch. 

Posted by gail_heineman at 8:40 AM YDT
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Sunday, 15 June 2008
First rhubarb harvest of the year
Topic: rhubarb

First rhubarb harvest of the year.  Same day as last year!  I could have taken some a few days earlier, but I was waiting for an excuse to make fresh rhubarb crisp, and the visit of a friend made this the day.  Sweet crisp fresh rhubarb!

This plant laughs at a late spring. 

I still had rhubarb in the freezer from last year.  Although it doesn't lose much in the freezer, it does lose a little something.  So I made a big batch of rhubarb chutney.  I thawed it first and drained the juice before adding the vinegar.  It made for a great batch of chutney. 

Posted by gail_heineman at 9:51 AM YDT
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Wednesday, 4 June 2008
Put the fish in the pond
Topic: fish

Today I took my three Tanichthys albonubes, white cloud mountain fish, from the indoor aquarium in which they overwinter, and put them in my outdoor fish pond.  It's just a round rubber horse trough, probably only about 15 gallons, but they thrive in there all summer eating mosquito larvae.  These three fish are the survivors of about a dozen that I bought about eight years ago.  They much prefer life outdoors, getting fat and sassy from all that live food..  I won't see much of them until the fall, when I drain the tub to find them and bring them in.

There are many, many mosquitoes in the yard, so those fish will not go hungry. 

Posted by gail_heineman at 11:54 AM YDT
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