
GREEN CHEESE CHASE - Chase; Ch name to go with the word (green) cheese.
A parody of the myth (old-wives tale) that the moon is made up of (swiss) cheese.
def'n: Green - A green pigment or dye. Having a pale, sickly color because of fear, jealousy, or sickness.
def'n: Cheese - A solid food made from the curds of milk.

PHIL MOON = Full moon.
def'n: Full moon - The moon seen from the earth as a whole circle.
def'n: Full - Having eaten or drunk one's fill. Well filled out. Plump; round: a full face.
def'n: Moon - A heavenly body that revolves around the earth. Satellite.
PARIS EMBARRASSED - Rhyme: The name Paris with the word embarrass(ed).
A parody of Paris Hilton's video camcorder sex scandel released on the Internet in 2003; starred on the Fox t.v. show "A Simple Life".
def'n: Embarrass - To make uneasy and ashamed. To disturb.
MARIS WILTIN' = Paris Hilton.
A parody of Paris Hilton (featuring her pet Chihuahua "Tinkerbell"), Born on Feb 17th 1981, heiress of the Hilton Hotel empire.
def'n: Wilt - To become limp and drooping; wither. To lose vigor, strength, assurance, etc.
WORKED-UP WARREN - Warren; W name to go with the words "worked-up".
def'n: Work up - To plan; develop. To stir up; excite.
def'n: Work out - To give exercise to; practice.
CHIN-UP CHANDLER - Chandler; CH name to go with the words "chin-up".
def'n: Chin-up - The exercise of chinning oneself. slang. Pull up.
def'n: Chin oneself - To hang by the hands from an overhead bar and pull oneself up until one's chin reaches the bar.
JIMMY DEAN = Jimmy Dean.
A parody of America's number one breakfast sausage, Jimmy Dean, founded in 1969 and purchased by the Sara Lee Corp. in 1984.
def'n: Grind - Work by turning a crank by turning a handle. Meat grinder (sausage maker).
SAUSAGE SAM - Sam; S name to go with the word sausage.
def'n: Sausage - Chopped meat, most commonly pork or a combination of pork, beef, and other meats, seasoned and usually stuffed into a very thin casing.
ALLIE OOPS = Allez-oop.
def'n: Allez-oop - A cry of a circus acrobat about to leap.
def'n: Alley-oop - A term used in basketball. Also a cartoon character of the same name created in 1932 by the American cartoonist V.T. Hamlin.
SWINGING SIERRA - Sierra; S name to go with the word swing(ing).
def'n: Swing - To move back and forth. To hang or suspend.
def'n: Trapeze - A short horizontal bar hung by ropes like a swing, used in gymnasiums and circuses for acrobatic stunts.
PAUL VAULT = Pole vault.
def'n: Pole vault - An athletic contest or event in which the contestants vault over a high crossbar by using a long pole.
def'n: Vault - To jump or leap over by using a pole or the hands.
IMPALED DALE - Rhyme; The name Dale with the word impale(d).
def'n: Impale - To pierce through with something pointed.
NIN JACK = Ninja.
def'n: Ninja - (Like Samurai) A member of a class of 14th century Japanese mercenary agents who were trained in the martial arts and hired for covert operations such as assassination and sabotage.
MARSHALL ARTLESS = Martial arts.
def'n: Martial arts - Activities in which participants learn self-defense mainly through the use of hand-to-hand combat. Judo, Karate (Kung Fu and TaeKwonDo), T'ai Chi, Aikido, Ju-jitsu, etc. are all examples.
ANNA CORNEA = Anna Kournikova.
A name parody of the professional tennis player Anna Kournikova born on June 7th, 1981.
def'n: Cornea - The transparent part of the outer coat of the eyeball. Covers the iris and the pupil.
MONICA AILS = Monocle.
def'n: Monocle - Eyeglass for one eye.
def'n: Monocular - Having to do with or intended for use by one eye only. Having only one eye.
def'n: Ail - To be ill; to feel sick.
CLAY ACHIN' = Clay Aikin.
A picture parody of the phrase: "he/she sings so bad the dogs cry/howl".
A parody of the semi-finalist, Clay Aikin, on the second season of the popular Fox singing show "American Idol Contest", born on Nov 30th, 1978.
def'n: Ache - A continuous pain, usually dull. To be in pain; hurt.
IDOL IVAN - Ivan; I name to go with the word idol.
A parody of the popular Fox reality singing show "American Idol Contest".
def'n: Idol - A person or thing worshipped or loved very much; object of extreme devotion.
COLIN BOWEL = Colin Powell.
A name parody of the former secrectary of state Colin Powell, nominated by President Bush on Dec 16th, 2000, appointed to serve the term 01/20/2001 - 01/26/2005.
def'n: Bowel - A part of the intestines. Intestines.
10bSCOUTIN' SCOTT - Semi-rhyme: The name Scott with the word scout(ing).
A parody of the Boy Scouts organization of boys 11-17 years old founded in 1907 in Great Britain by Sir Robert Baden-Powell and incorporated in 1910 in the United States.
def'n: Scout - A person sent to find out what the enemy is doing, setn out to gather information. A person belonging to the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts. Act as a scout, hunt around to find something.
def'n: Boy Scouts - Organization for boys that seeks to develop character, citizenship, usefullness to others, and outdoor skills.
GRUNGE BOB = "Sponge Bob".
A parody of the popular Nickelodeon cartoon "SpongeBob Squarepants" from Bikini Bottem.
def'n: Grunge/Grungy - slang. Very dirty, run-down, or unpleasant; nasty: a grungy hotel.
SPONGEY SPENCER - Spencer; SP name to go with the word sponge(y).
def'n: Spongy - Like a sponge; soft, light, and full of holes.
def'n: Sponge - A soft, light, porous material (animal, cellulose, rubber, etc.) used for soaking up water in bathing, cleaning, etc.
BRAINWASHED BRETT - Brett; BR name to go with the word brainwash(ed).
def'n: Brainwash - Indoctrinate by brainwashing. To teach, instruct a belief or principle to.
def'n: Brainwashing - Process of systematically, forcibly, and intensely indoctrinating a person to destroy or weaken one's beliefs and ideas, so that one becomes willing to accept different or opposite beliefs and ideas.
12b ED N. SHOULDERS = Head and Shoulders.
A name parody of the dandruff shampoo product "Head and Shoulders" distributed by the Proctor & Gamble Company.
def'n: Head - The top of the human body containing the brain, eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.
def'n: Shoulders - The part of the body to which an arm is attached.
FALLEN ANGEL = Fallen angel.
def'n: Fallen - Overthrown or destroyed.
def'n: Angel - One of the order of spiritual beings that are the attendants and messengers of God.
AIRSICK ARIEL - Ariel; A name to go with the word airsick.
def'n: Airsick - Sick as a result of the motion of aircraft.
HEADLESS LESLIE - Semi-rhyme: The name Leslie with the word (head)less.
def'n: Headless - Having no head. Without brains; foolish; stupid.
MADISON HALVED = Madison Avenue.
A parody of the subway below the popular international shopping mecca (Upper) Madison Avenue. The premier shopping district. the "Avenue", established in the late 1800's, contains for unique shopping areas: Madison Midtown; Historic District, Museum District, and Carnegie Hill.
def'n: Halve - Divide into two equal parts; share equally. Cut in half; reduce to half.
JUMPIN' JEN - Jen; J name to go with the word jump(ing).
def'n: Jump - To spring from the ground; leap; bound: jump up and down.
def'n: Jump rope - (skip rope) A children's game or an exercise for children and adults in which a rope is swung over and under the standing jumper who must leap over it each time it reaches the feet.
MEGAN TROUBLE = Making trouble.
def'n: Make - Bring about; cause: make trouble, make peace, make a noise, etc.
def'n: Trouble - Cause pain to; hurt.
def'n: Troublemaker - A person who often cuases trouble for others.
COLE SLAWED = Coleslaw.
def'n: Coleslaw - Salad made of finely shredded raw cabbage; slaw.
def'n: Slaw - coleslaw.
SAL SALAD - Sal; S name to go with the word salad.
def'n: Salad - Raw, green vegetables, such as lettuce, cabbage, and celery served with a dressing (and sometimes with cold meats, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc.).
WALTER COOLER = Water cooler.
def'n: Water cooler - A device for cooling water, or for cooling something by means of water.
WIZZIN' WILL - Will; W name to go with the word wizz(ing).
def'n: Wizz - slang. Urinate.
def'n: Urinate - To discharge urine from the body.
HARRY WHO DIDN'T = Harry Houdini.
def'n: Houdini, Harry - 1874-1926, American magician. The great escape artist.
def'n: Did - To do.
def'n: Not - Negative; a word that says no: something is not true.
NOEL ESCAPE = No escape.
def'n: No - A word used to deny, refuse, or disagree. Not in any degree; not at all.
def'n: Escape - Get free from. Get out and away. Find a way out of a container.
TOM TURKEY - Tom; T name to go with the word turkey.
def'n: Turkey - A large wild or domesticated American bird with a bare head and neck and brown or white plumage (often the staple meat served with Thanksgiving dinner).
THANKS GAVIN = Thanksgiving.
def'n: Thanksgiving - A giving of thanks. Expression of thanks. Thanksgiving Day.
def'n: Thanksgiving Day - A day set apart as a holiday on which to give thanks for past blessings in the U.S. on the fourth Thur. in Nov.
VOMITIN' VICTOR - Victor; V name to go with the word vomit(ing).
def'n: Vomit - To expel the contents of the stomach through the mouth; throw up what has been eaten.
20bRALPHIN' RYAN - Ryan; R name to go with the word ralph(ing).
def'n: Ralph - slang. Vomit.
def'n: Vomit - To come out with force or violence. To bring up and eject through the mouth (swallowed food or drink). Throw out with force; throw up.
BLOWN AWAY RAY - Rhyme: The name Ray with the word (blown) away.
def'n: Blown - Shaped by blowing. Be driven or carried by a current of air. A strong current of air.
def'n: Away - From a place; to a distance: drive away.
BREEZY BRADY - Brady; BR name to go with the word breezy.
def'n: Breezy - With light winds blowing.
SNAKEY JAKE - Rhyme: The name Jake with the word snake(y).
def'n: Snaky - Of a snake or snakes. Having many snakes. Sly; venomous; treacherous.
CHARMING CHARLIE - Charlie; CH name to go with the word charm(ing).
def'n: Charming - Very pleasing; delightful; fascinating; attractive.
def'n: Charmer - One that charms, delights, or fascinates.
def'n: Snake charmer - A person that captivates a snake.
BLASTIN' SEBASTIAN - Rhyme: The name Sebastian with the word blast(ing).
def'n: Blast - A blasting; explosion. A charge of dynamite or other explosive, that blows up rocks, earch, etc.
EXPLOSIVE XAVIER - Xavier; X name to go with the word explosive.
def'n: Explosive - Tending to explode. Tending to burst forth noisily. An explosive substance.
CLEAVED STEVE - Rhyme: The name Steve with teh word cleave(d).
def'n: Cleave - To cut, divide, or split open. To split into layers.
TANDEM RANDY - Semi-rhyme: The name Randy with the word tandem.
def'n: Tandem - One behind the other: drive horses tandem. To have animals, seats, parts, etc., arranged one behind the other.
def'n: Tandem bicycle - A bicycle with two seats, one behind the other.
TOTEM TIM - Tim; T name to go with the word totem.
def'n: Totem - An animal, bird, fish, plant, or other natural object taken as the emblem of a tribe, clan, etc. A image or object on a totem pole.
HIGH MAN DAN - Rhyme: The name Dan with the word (high) man.
def'n: High - Above others in rank, quality, character, etc.
def'n: Man - Mankind (Businessman).
WISHFUL WES - Wes; W name to go with the word wishful.
def'n: Wishful - Having or expressing a wish; desiring; desirous. A need or longing for: wish help, money, etc. (3 wishes with a genie lamp).
AL ADDIN' FUMES = Aladdin (fumes).
A parody of the Disney animated film "Aladdin" (1994) and the 1966 movie "Aladdin's Magic Lamp".
def'n: Add - To join (one thing to another) so as to increase the number or quantity.
def'n: Fume - Vapor, gas, or smoke, especially if harmful, strong, or odorous. To give off fumes.
WOLVER-IAN = Wolverine.
A parody of the popular XMen comic book and movie character "Wolverine" (Logan) created in 1963 by Sam Kieth.
def'n: Wolverine - A carnivorous mammal with sharp claws.
27bPOKIN' LOGAN - Semi-rhyme: The name Logan with the word poke(+ing).
A parody of Wolverine's real name "Logan" with his characteristic retractable adamantium (metal) claws.
def'n: Poke - To push against with something pointed; prod. To thrust, push. Make by poking: poke a hole in something.

FUELIN' JULIAN - Rhyme: The name Julian with the word fuel(ing).
def'n: Fuel - To supply with fuel, an oil or other material that can be burned to produce useful heat or power.

28bGASSIN' GRANT - Grant; G name to go with the word gas(sing).
def'n: Gas - informal. Gasoline. slang. Flatulence (fart).
def'n: Gasoline - A colorless, liquid mixture of hydrocarbons which evaporates and burns very easily, obtained by crude petroleum or natural gas.
29aSCUBA DOO LOU - Rhyme: The name Lou with the word (scuba) doo = Scooby Doo.
A name parody of the Great Dane cartoon character "Scooby Doo" created in 1969 by Ken Spears and Joe Ruby and art creator Iwao Takamoto featered in several cartoons and most recently in movies.
def'n: Scuba - Portable breathing equipment, including one or more tanks of compressed air, used by underwater swimmers and divers.
29bHARPOONIN' HUNTER - Harpoon hunter.
def'n: Harpoon - A barbed spear with a rope tied to it, used for catching sea animals. It is thrown by hand or fired from a gun.
def'n: Hunter - A person who hunts (to kill animals for food or sport).
30aTURD KING TRAVIS - Travis; T name to go with the word turd (king).
def'n: Turd - slang. Feces.
def'n: Feces - Waste matter discharged from the intestines; excrement.
def'n: King - The male ruler of a nation.

POO-A-MID PARKER - Parker; P name to go with the made-up word poo-a-mid = Pyramid.
def'n: Poo - slang. Excrement.
def'n: Excrement - Waster matter discharged from the body.
def'n: Pyramid - The huge massive stone pyramids, with square bases and four triangular sides built by the ancient Egyptians to serve royal tombs. To be in teh form of a pyramid.

31aSNOTTY SARAH - Sarah; S name to go with the word snotty.
def'n: Snot - slang. Hardened mucus.
def'n: Mucus - A viscid, slimy substance, containing mucin, secreted by and moistens and protects the mucous membranes.
31bJESSICA SIMPLETON = Jessica Simpson.
A name parody of the female pop singer Jessica Simpson born in Texas on July 10th 1980 - who's popularity soared after the MTV reality show "Newlyweds: Nick & Jessica".
def'n: Simpleton - A silly person; fool.
def'n: Simple-minded - Ignorant; foolish; stupid; feeble-minded.
32aMULCHED MITCH - Mitch; M name to go with the word mulch(ed).
def'n: Mulch - A loose material, such as straw, leaves, manure, grass, sawdust, etc., spread on the ground around trees or plants to protect the roots from cold or heat, to prevent evaporation of moisture from the soil, etc. To spread mulch around.
32bCUT UP CHRIS - Chris; C name to go with the words "cut up".
def'n: Cut up - To cut to pieces. informal. Hurt. A wound or opening made by cutting or digging.
33a HOLLOW WAYNE = Halloween.
def'n: Halloween - Evening of October 31, before All Saints' Day.
def'n: Hollow - Having nothing inside; empty.
33bJACQUELINE LANTERN = Jack-o'-lantern.
def'n: Jack-o'-lantern - A pumpkin hollowed out and cut to look like a face, used as a lantern at Halloween.
34aZITTY ZAK - Zak; Z name to go with the word zit(ty).
def'n: Zit - slang. A pimple.
def'n: Pimple - A small, inflamed swelling of the skin with or without pus. Pustule.
34bACNE ANDY - Andy; A name to go with the word acne.
def'n: Acne - A chronic skin disease in which the oil glands in the skin become clogged and inflamed, often causing pimples.
35aFLOODGATE NATE - Rhyme: The name Nate with the word floodgate.
def'n: Floodgate - A gate in a canal, river, stream, etc., to control the flow of water. A thing that controls the flow or passage of anything.
35bLEVEE LEVI - Levi; L name to go with the word levee.
def'n: Levee - A bank built to keep a river from overflowing.
36aNOAH'S BARF = Noah's Ark.
def'n: Noah - (In the Bible) A man whom God told to make an ark to save himself, his family, and a pair of each kind of animal from the Flood.
def'n: Barf - slang. Vomit.
def'n: Vomit - To expel the contents of the stomach through the mouth; throw up what has been eaten.
36bHIGH-WATER MARK = High-water mark.
def'n: High-water mark - The highest level reached by a body of water. Any highest point.
37aLOG ROLAND = Logrolling.
def'n: Logrolling - The act of rolling logs, especially by treading on them. A sport including various maneuvers on logs, especially floating logs and spinning with the feet. slang. Feces.
37bROGER LOGGER - Semi-rhyme: The name Roger with the word logger.
def'n: Logger - A person whose work is logging; lumberjack.
38aRECYCLED MICHAEL - Rhyme: The name Michael with the word recycle(d).
def'n: Recycle - To use over and over again.
38b OVERFLOWIN' OWEN - Rhyme: The name Owen with the word overflow(ing).
def'n: Overflow - To have the contents flowing over; excess. Something that flows or runs over. An outlet for overflowing liquid.
39aNASTY ASHLEY - Rhyme: The name Ashley with the word nasty.
A parody of the actress Ashley Olsen (blonde) born June 13, 1986 (and twin Mary-Kate) who started on the TV series "Full House" and whose sister's eating disorder was publicized.
def'n: Nasty - Disgustingly dirty; foul; filthy. Morally filthy; indecent; vile. Very unpleasant. Rather serious; bad: a nasty problem.
39bMARY-KATE ATE - Rhyme: The name Mary-Kate with the word ate.
A parody of the actress Mary-Kate Olsen (brunette) born June 13, 1986 (and twin Ashley) who started on the TV series "Full House" and whose eating disorder was publicized.
def'n: Ate - pt. of eat: the boy ate his dinner.
def'n: Eat - To chew and swallow (food). To gnaw or devour.
40aADAM BOMB = Atomic bomb.
def’n: Atom – The smallest particle.
def’n: Atomic Bomb – An explosive weapon of great destructive power.
40b BLASTED BILLY = Blasted billow.
def’n: Blast – An explosion: an atomic blast.
def’n: Billow – A great swell or surge.
B1DOUG SLEDDING = Dogsledding.
def'n: Dogsledding - A dog, such as a husky, used to pull a dogsled, especially in Arctic regions.
def'n: Dogsled - A sled pulled by one or more dogs.
B2PROPELLED MIGUEL - Rhyme: The name Miguel with the word propel(led).
def'n: Propel - To drive or push forward; force ahead. To impel or urge onward.
def'n: Propeller - A device consisting of a revolving hub with blades, for propelling boats and aircraft. A person or thing that propels.
B3SWARMED NORM - Rhyme: The name Norm with the word swarm(ed).
def'n: Swarm - A large group of insects (bees, etc.) flying or moving about together: the mosquitoes swarmed about us.
B4DANCIN' DOMINIC - Dominic; D name to go with the word dance(+ing).
A parody of a Russian fok dancer in costume.
def'n: Dance - Move in rhythm, usually in time with music. Jump up and down, move in a lively way. To do, perform, or take part in (a dance): they danced the waltz.
S1aFRANK N. WIENER = Frankenstein.
def'n: Frank - informal. Frankfurter.
def'n: Frankfurter - A smoked sausage (beef, or pork and beef); wiener.
def'n: Wiener - Frankfurter.
def'n: Frankenstein - A scientist in a novel by Mary Shelley, who creates a monster that he cannot control that causes the ruin of its creator.
S1bOSCAR MIRE = Oscar Mayer.
A parody of the popular bologna commercials for Oscar Mayer (O-s-c-a-r; M-a-y-e-r) who started making meat products (including hot dogs) in 1883, owned by Kraft which is now packaged in the famous yellow packaging and whose mascot is the Wienermobile.
def'n: Mire - Cause to be stuck; to be bogged; entangle.
S2aMOUNT ST. HELEN = Mount St. Helen.
A parody of St. Helen mountain, Washington, A relatively young volcano of 40,000 years which had been dormant since 1857 with ash and steam errupting starting again in the 1980's.
def'n: Mount - A high hill; mountain.
S2bVOLCANIC VANESSA - Vanessa; V name to go with the name volcanic.
def'n: Volcanic - Like a volcano; liable to break out violently.
def'n: Volcano - An opening in the Earth's crust through which steam, ashes, and lava are expelled in periods of activity. A cone-shaped hill or mountain around this opening.
S3aINTEST-TINA = Intestine.
def'n: Intestine - Part of the alimentary canal extending from the stomach to the anus; small intestine and large intestine.
S3bOBLIVIOUS OLIVIA - Olivia; O name to go with the word oblivious.
def'n: Oblivious - Not mindful; forgetful. Not thinking.
S4aFORREST SUMP = Forrest Gump.
Parody of the 1994 movie "Forrest Gump" and the character of the same name played by Tom Hanks.
def'n: Forest - A large area of land covered with trees; thick woods; woodland.
def'n: Sump - A pit or reservoir for collecting water or other liquid waste in a basement, factory, etc.
S4b WASTIN' JASON - Rhyme: The name Jason with the word waste(+ing).
def'n: Waste - Useless or worthless material; stuff to be thrown away; refuse: garbage or sewage is waste.
S5aSTINK BLOT STEPHANIE - Stephanie; ST name to go with the word stink (blot) = Ink blot.
def'n: Ink blot - A blot made with ink. One of the designs or patterns used in the Rorschach Test.
def'n: Stink - A strong, offensive smell; a disgusting odor; stench.
S5bRORSCHACH TESSA = Rorschach Test.
def'n: Rorschach Test - A psychological test which is used as a means of gaining information about personality and intellect, consisting of ten inkblots of various design and colors which are interpreted by the subject.
def'n: Rorschach, Hermann - 1884-1922, Swiss psychiatrist.
S6aVINNIE VOMIT - Vinnie; V name to go with the word vomit.
def'n: Vomit - To expel the contents of the stomach through the mouth; throw up what has been eaten.
S6b BARF BAG BRAD = Brad; B name to go with the words "barf bag".
def'n: Barf - slang. Vomit.
def'n: Vomit - To come out with force or violence. To bring up and eject through the mouth (swallowed food or drink). Throw out with force; throw up.
def'n: Bag - Something suggesting a bag in its use or shape.
def'n: Barf bag - slang. A courtesy bag on airplanes for airsickness.


Definitions taken from: The American Heritage Dictionary.