My Personal Review

From July 17-28, 2001 Gary Burghoff directed and starred in Bernard Slade's Tribute. The play is about Scottie Templeton, a dying Broadway press agent who wants to reconcile with his son. While there were many funny moments, some of the best scenes were the dramatic ones. They illustrated Scottie's love for his family and friends and the concern Scottie's friends had for him. Gary's portrayal of Scottie ranged from deeply touching to hilarious. It showed he can do drama just as well as comedy. Gena Burghoff had another spectacular performance. She was convincing in her role as Sally Haines, a female "acquaintance" of Scottie's who later developed a rapport with Scottie's son. Mark Wolff gave a forceful performance as Jud Templeton, Scottie's son. Denise Taylor was delightful as Maggie Stratton, Scottie's ex-wife and Jud's mother. Cass Jendzurski was a bit over the top but still very entertaining as Dr. Gladys Petrelli, Scottie's strict but caring doctor. Gary Mazzu was fantastic as Lou Daniels who worked with Scottie. He seemed to put a lot of energy into his performance. Although not as prominent as the others, Vanessa Webb showed versatility in her role of Hilary, another female "acquaintance" of Scottie's who surprised Scottie by disguising herself as a nurse with quite an accent. Overall, I think the cast was great and I truly enjoyed the show.

Gary and Me

Gena and Me

(To the play)