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Wednesday, 13 August 2003

Hey gang!

Tonight I added two new Biographies to the Fantasy Section: L. Frank Baum and Roger Zelazny! Coming sooner than you might think: Michael Ende's Bio!

Becca L.

Posted by geek_world at 7:08 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 12 August 2003
Fantasy Update
Hello Becca L. here again!

I just added two new interviews (yes! two in one day! it's a record! or something!) to the Fantasy Section of the site. I also fixed up two minor typos that I found upon re-reading the first Editorial, which I posted last night.

That's all. Have a great night!

Posted by geek_world at 3:20 PM PDT
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Greetings all, Rob K here.

Made some updates to the Comics Section. Added an interview with Michael Avon Oeming, artist and co-creator of POWERS!

Also added a link to his site on the links page.

Catch ya later!

--Rob K,

Posted by geek_world at 12:46 PM PDT
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Monday, 11 August 2003
Fantasy Update
Hello Everyone!

This is Becca L., your GW Fantasy Editor and I've got a couple of updates to mention tonight.

First off, I have added a brand new interview, this time with Lawrence Watt-Evans. I have more interviews lined up that will come as soon as the authors get back to me. It all boils down to when they have the time. So keep checking back here for updates.

Second, I have just added the first editorial to the Fantasy Section. You can find it under the Articles section of the Fantasy Section and it will be found under the "The Editor's Opinions" link. For my first editorial, I dealt with Authors and Interviews. Check it out!

That's it from me for now, but there's a good chance I'll be updating again soon! Have a good one!

~Becca L.
Fantasy Editor

Posted by geek_world at 8:16 PM PDT
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First Post...Ooohh, Aaaah...
Hey gang,

Rob K here. Created this Blog for all GEEK WORLD Staff Members.

This will be where we list the updates to our various, so stay tuned! ~_^

This will also be the place for random rambling and where we'll field questions.

Joy! Bliss!

--Rob K

Posted by geek_world at 4:25 PM PDT
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