Name: Coltin Scott Martines
Birthday: July 23rd 1975
Birthplace: St. Louis, Missouri
Interests: Music and Soccer
Coltin Scott took over the role of Nikolas Cassadine in July of 1999 with seamless grace
and brought a personality to the character of Nikolas. Smart, sensitive, and charming, Coltin Scott embodies the attributes
that make Nikolas Cassadine a beloved character.
He is a wonderful and very talented actor and he actually smiles and laughs unlike the original
actor who plays Nikolas Cassadine. Coltin will always be the REAL Nikolas to me and no one else can or will ever compare
to this sexy, talented actor who brought smiles to our faces and talent to the screen. One look at that smile and those
dimples will have you melting. We love and miss you Coltin!