Welcome to my extensive listing of the characters and robots of Giant Robo: The Animation. These pages are geared to be mostly spoiler-free.
Daisaku Kusama--The 12-year old
boy who happens to own the wristwatch that controls the world's
most powerful robot! However, this is hardly fun and games.
Robo's power is a huge responsibility. Daisaku feels that he
should use Robo to help the world, as his father wanted him to,
and it pains him to see Robo not work. Daisaku also sometimes
feels that he is just a helpless kid and nothing without the
robot, and it makes him frustrated. He is also a little nieve,
being young. He admired the clean energy of the Shizuma drive
until he learned of its dark past.
Chief Chujo--He
is the head of the Peking branch of Experts and gives the others
their missions. Chujo is also a member of the Kyuu Dai Tennou
("nine great kings of heaven", known as the Big Nine in
the English translation, of which Chujo and Taisou are members).
His calm, collected exterior hides an enormous power.
Professor Go ("Star of
Wisdom")--He is also usually calm and analytical, but there
is something about the Shizuma drive that periodically makes him
quite upset. He knows a great deal about the drives and is
usually found at the base with Chujo. He carries a pair of fans
which have defensive use in battle.
GinRei ("Silver
Bell")--One of the three female characters in the anime,
GinRei is a good shot with a gun, and plays a significant role in
the scheme of things. Tetsugyu has a crush on her but she easily
resists him. GinRei also feels sympathy for Daisaku and is
supportive of him.
Taisou ("Godly
Walker")--Taisou is both wise and powerful, and he has a
pretty easygoing persona. He is able to generate an electrical
force in his body. He is both a sort of father-figure or mentor
for Daisaku and Tetsugyu's chum. Taisou and Alberto have a strong
rivalry between them because Alberto blames him for the death of
Cervantes and the loss of his own right eye, but they have a
mutual respect for each other as well. Taisou is the husband of
Tetsugyu ("Iron
Ox")--He likes to call himself the Black Whirlwind. Tetsugyu
is big and loud and has a pair of throwing axes on chains as
weapons. He doesn't like Daisaku, saying that it's unfair for a
kid to get so much of the credit. However there was a sad event
in his past similar to Daisaku's.
("Blue Face")--She is Taisou's wife, and is tall and
strong and has light blue skin. She motivates the other
characters and acts as their leader in episode 4. Youshi's weapon
is a long staff.
monk-type character who uses wards and illusions. He can even
transform himself into animals! He is often partnered with Youshi
and adds tricks to back up her attacks (such as creating a false
image of her) but he can stand on his own as well.
Kenji Murasame--He
wears a pink trenchcoat and fedora (and pink socks too; if you're
observant you can spot them in the first episode) and has the
famous "amoeba hair". In the English version of Giant
Robo he has a (somewhat unconvincing) French accent, since he is
an Expert in the Paris IPO branch. Kenji gets information by
secretly infultrating Big Fire's ranks, and he has a very special
power of his own. He also has a social relationship with GinRei,
but the anime doesn't go into any great detail about it.
leader (who looks a lot like Ko-Enshaku except that Koushin is
obviously human) has a strong sense of honor and duty, but he can
seem gruff and humorless because of it. When he gives an order,
he expects it to be followed promptly. In episode 7 Koushin slaps
Daisaku because Daisaku refused to order Giant Robo to attack the
Eye because GinRei was inside.
expert archer who puts Robin Hood to shame. Seems to be chummy
with Koushin, but Kaei is more humane.
of the two IPO members who dress in tigerskins and fight with a
other of the two tiger warriors. They are usually seen together
and in episode 7 create a net between themselves to trip up the
was the pilot of the rescue helicopter in episode 5, and in
episode 7 he attacked the Keppu-Ren with a dagger. He wears a red
cap and has a little mustache.
The fishermen
brothers (Gen brothers)--Three almost identical twin
brothers. They have "powers of resonance" which they
call into play by each beating a small drum/gong. In episode 7
they use their powers to help maintain Go's barrier and later
they are seen blowing up Keppu-Ren footsoldiers. They often speak
in unison.
The Belgium
Big Fire
The Robots