Note: All the robots (with the exception of Giant Robo) are on Big Fire's side and are therefore "bad" (but they're robots and just following orders, so who can blame 'em?).
Giant Robo--The namesake of the
anime is controlled by Daisaku Kusama via a special
communications wristwatch. Robo is hailed as "the strongest
robot in the world" and he is always a force to be reckoned
with. He mainly attacks by punching (his fists cause devestating
damage) but he also has a huge payload of missiles which fire
from the red 'strips' on and between his shoulders. In addition
he has cannons on his waist and can flip his right rocket engine
over his shoulder to form the insanely powerful Robo Bazooka. (If
Robo has any weakness it's that he's not very agile in the foot
department.) However in episode 3 Robo puts up a forcefield to
block Uranus' attack (and he shields his face with an arm, cute).
Giant Robo is blue and red and has an obvious Egyptian pharoah
motif. Throughout the series Robo surprises us with his
dedication and protectiveness of his master Daisaku. More about
Robo can be found at The Old Reactor.
GR-2--This robot fought Giant
Robo in Daisaku's flashback in episode 5. It took orders from
Cervantes and had a big crescent blade on its head, which it used
in its hit-and-run attacks. GR-2 was able to move very fast
underwater and it could also blast its fists off for some long
distance punches.
caterpillar (name unknown)--A robot that
doubles as a train and takes orders from Q Boss. It has a large
drill on the front. It chased after GinRei and Tetsugyu in
episode 1, but with a punch, a kick, and another shattering punch
Giant Robo sent it to the junkyard.
Uranus--Ivan's robot, Uranus
hassles Giant Robo early in the series. It looks like a round,
primitive sculpture with small arms and no real legs. Its 'head'
can detach and conveniently transform into a big red automobile.
It can shoot lasers from its eyes (its headlights) or attack by
ramming. Uranus has the honor of being the only robot in the
series that crossed Giant Robo and lived to fight another day
(unless you count the Eye).
Garon's head (see
below)--It's green and looks pretty much like a big frog's
head, and floats around on its own. It takes orders from Genya
and can blast its eyes out of their sockets (!) and can vaccuum
things into its mouth.
Big Gold--A
golem-like robot which seems to be totally made out of stone. It
takes orders from Red Mask, who rides along in its chest.
Neptune--A powerful robot with
a distinctive head (appears to have 'horns') that patrols the sea
like a great submarine. It carries a gigantic anchor around and
can walk up onto land if it feels like it. It has a covering of
canvas and kelp on its head. Neptune is said to take orders
exclusively from Big Fire himself.
bird/dinosaur with bat-like wings for arms. It is said to take
orders exclusively from Big Fire himself.
Achilles--Not a robot at all,
but a weird black panther-like creature which can morph into a
liquid. It is very good at entrapping people in itself.
The Eye of Vogler--A tremendous
black metal sphere with an eye on it. It is driven by Genya and
has several abilities. Powered by the three anti-Shizuma devices,
the Eye can send out an "anti-field" which causes all
normal Shizuma drives to malfunction and stop (and explode,
levitate, and do other crazy things). After draining the energy
of the drives it has enough power to instantly wipe out an entire
city. The Eye floats along on its own (somehow).
pointy-headed robot (name unknown)--A strange
robot which looks as if it's wearing the pointy hat of the Big
Fire agents who swear allegiance in the opening animation to each
episode. It has a cylindrical body and skinny arms and legs and
drops bombs. It is seen in both the introductory opening
animation to certain episodes and episode 6.
Fire the Second--A
robot that sort of appears to have Dr. Shizuma's hairdo in metal
form (it's actually rather cool). It has huge Shizuma drives
attached to its back and is seen in both the opening animation
and episode 6.
VL2--Angry looking robot which
can shoot lasers from turrets on its shoulders. It is seen in
both the opening animation and episode 6.
Bacchus--A gray robot with a
sort of rectangular jaw. It's shown slicing an airship apart with
its eye lasers. This robot and many others are seen only in the
opening animation.
BlackOx--A black robot with
glowing white eyes, seen in the opening only.
gold-colored robot somewhat resembling Giant Robo that flings a
lot of sparkles at the screen. Seen in the opening only.
dark robotic sea serpent, seen in the opening animation only.
However its head detaches to appear in episode 5.
GR-3--A gray robot with wings
and drills in its fingers, seen in the opening only.
rip-off (name unknown)--Looks a lot like
Frankenstein, seen in the opening only.
Yellow robot
with spikes (name unknown)--It has a sort of
round body and smirking face, and spikes pop out of it making it
as prickly as a porcupine. Seen in the opening only.
squirt of a robot, black and sort of alien-looking, seen in the
opening animation only.
blue robot with sad expression, pictured lifting an entire
battleship out of the ocean, seen in the opening only.
(not to be confused with Uranus)--A big scowling head.
It is controlled by Old Man Kawarazaki and can influence the
weather. Personally I think it's eerie and it always scares the
crap out of me. Seen in the opening only.
International Police
The Belgium
Big Fire