In The Beginning Were Love Stories
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The song below is appropriate for the beginning of this page of love stories and songs. It tells of mine and my wife's first meeting and goes on to tell of the rest of our lives in lyrical, song form. Of course the story is not yet over. It is a pretty accurate account of our lives together up to now. Enjoy!

We Will Always Be Together, You and I

In the springtime, on the river bank we met,
And we spoke there, words we never will forget.
There we told each other of our fondest dreams
As we lay beneath the moonlight's silvery beams,

Then the rains came down and the thunder crashed and roared
And the lightening flashed across the early sky.
With your little hand in mine and until the end of time
We will always be together, you and I.

In the summer, passion blossomed into love,
Like the cooing of the tiny turtledove-
And we reached for dreams and shared each other's fears,
And our happiness was measured with our tears,
And the rain came down and the thunder crashed and roared
And the lightening flashed across the summer sky-
With your little hand in mine and until the end of time
We will always be together, you and I.

In the autumn love was mellowing with time,
Like a bottle of the finest vintage wine,-
And we thought our sips of love would never stop,
And we shared that love and savored every drop;
And the rains came down and the thunder crashed and roared
And the lightening flashed across the autumn sky.-
With your little hand in mine and until the end of time,
We will always be together, you and I.

(Slowly and With Feeling:)

In the winter all the clouds will roll away,
And the thunder lessens with each passing day,-
And no lightening streaks above the mountain high,
And the moonlight steals across the winter sky,-
And still we are together-
You and I!

July 9, 1981 Los Angeles, Ca.


This next song is actually two songs. The first part was written by my daughter, Veronica and me. We just wanted to write a song and Veronica made suggestions and I put the song together.

The second part of this piece (Pledge) was written by me when an acquaintance said he intended to marry and he and his wife would make up their own vows. I wrote it and showed it to him and he said it was nice. He didn't use it. I put the two together and sang it at my niece's wedding. Enjoy!

Wedding Song

We'll always plant a flower where a flower will grow,
We'll build a pretty snowman in the season of the snow;
I'll think of you each morning and recall you as a friend,
For we will never pass this way again.

We'll visit many places together, you and I,
I'll always make you happy and I'll never make you cry.
Each day we'll greet the sun as if the day will never end,
For we will never pass this way again.


We'll share our joys, we'll bear our pain
When darkness falls, when clouds bring rain,
And when the sun comes shining through
You'll plant a seed for me and I'll plant a seed for you.


I take thee, dear, to be my wedded wife;
I pledge my troth and give to thee my life.
I vow to love and always honor thee
And pray that thou wilt always honor me.
If times are hard, on thee I will depend;
I want thee, dear, to be my wife and friend;
Now take my love, 'tis all I have to give,
It's yours, my love, as long as I shall live...
It's yours, my love, as long as we shall live.

Jim and Veronica Alexander June, 1976...Modesto, Ca.

This was written about some now unremembered love! She must have been a dandy!

Daydream Wish

I walk the path, I climb the hill so steep,
In meadows green I lay me down to sleep,
But sleep is gone, I cannot close my eyes.
An angels picture steals across the skies.

You are my love,my wish, my every dream,
My only star whose warm carressing beam
Embraces all of me;You are my life.
I'll dwell in heaven when you are my wife.

1968 Tacoma, Washington


You're Mine

Into my life some rain will fall, I'll take the bitter with the sweet,
With no regrets I'll face the world, You're love makes me complete,
'Cause you're mine and I'm so happy 'cause you're mine.

As long as you're beside me there is nothing I can't do,
I'll win the world and all it's wealth and give it all to you,
'Cause you're mine and I'm so happy since you're mine.

The bad times don't seem half so bad, the good times seem the best,
We'll share the good and bad times and the world can take the rest.
As long as our two hearts are one, our love is ever true,
You'll be mine forever more and I'll belong to you,
'Cause you're mine, you're mine - You're mine and I adore you'Cause you're mine.
June, 1966...Redding, Ca.

Songs For Truckers - Page One