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Answers of Gopal's Weekly Quiz - 4:

The Question:

The contest of succession to the Prophet Mohammed between his father-in-law, Abu Backer, and his cousin Ali, led to what?

The answer:

The contest of succession to the Prophet Mohammed between his father-in-law, Abu Backer, and his cousin Ali led to the division of Muslims into the two sects, the Shias and the Sunnis. The followers of Abu Backer were the Shias and those of Ali were the Sunnis.

Results of Gopal's Weekly Quiz - 4:

No of Respondents: 2

No. of correct answers: 2

The Respondents:

1.  Name: Ameesha
    Her Answer:
    After the death of the Prophet Mohammad,there were 4 caliphs.  Abu Backer was the first and Ali was the
    4th caliph.When Ali became became the 4th caliph a major division resulted between the Sunni's or
    Sunnites  and the Shi'ites(also known as Shi'is) -"The Partisans"

2. Name: Sachin Martin Rasquinha
    His Answer:
    It led to the formation of the shia and sunni sects in islam


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