Fitness Commentary
I started my journey into physical fitness at age 17. A friend invited me to go with him to the local
gym. I had never worked out much before and was far from being a natural athlete. I reluctantly went and was hooked
after the first week. After 3 or 4 months I started reading and and learning. Since that time I've had several
great opportunities to work with some fantastic personal trainers and am in the process of getting my personal trainer's certification
through ISSA.
As a professional wrestler, fitness is extremely important. Even the most negative and ignorant person
towards the business will admit that you must be in good shape to do what we do. To accomplish my dream of becoming
a sports entertainer, I knew I had to get into shape.
I was 26% bodyfat, strugged bench pressing 100 lbs., and literally could do ZERO squats with NO weight.
I made a decision to change my body, my life, and my mentality.
If I can do it, you can do it. Everyone(who's physically able) has the ability to change their body,
their life, and their mentality. Since that time I've made great strides and have
worked out literally hundreds of hours, consumed thousands of protein shakes, and spent countless hours learning about
the world of the fitness industry. Since that time I've dropped 12% bodyfat (imagine 12 fists of fat), added over 200
lbs. to my bench press max, and can do deep, perfect-form squats with quite a bit of weight. The following is my
current workout routine and diet (for YOUR enjoyment):
Workout (as of Fall 2006)
Sunday: Off
Monday: Bis/Tris/Cardio
*Treadmill (30 minute total)
-5 Min.-3.0 speed @ 0% Incline
-10 Min.-7.0 speed @ 0% Incline
-5 Min.-3.0 speed @ 0% incline
-5 Min.-3.0 speed @ 15% Incline
-5 Min-3.0 speed @ 0% Incline
2 sets of 10-8-6-4 Incline Curls
1 set of 10 reps straight bar curls
2 sets of 10 reps concentration curls
3 sets of 8-6-6 altnernating curls hammer grip
3 sets of 10-8-6 tricep pulldowns with v-bar
3 sets of 10 reps single arm chain pulldowns
3 sets of 8-6-4 incline reverse grip skull crushers
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: Legs/Shoulders/Cardio
2 sets of 8 body pull ups
4 sets of 8,6,6 overhead lat pulldowns
3 sets of 8,6,6 one arm dumbbell
Thursday: Chest
4 sets of 8,6,4,2 flat bench barbell
4 sets of 8,6,4,2 decline bench
3 sets of chest flies
3 sets of push ups till failure
Friday: Back/Yoga
2 sets of 10 reps pull ups
4 sets of 8-6-6 t-bar pulldowns
3 sets of 8-6-6 single arm rows
3 sets of 6 reps v-bar pull downs
3 sets of 8 dead lifts
Saturday: Cardio/stretching routine
*I hit abs 3 days per week. My ab exercises changes week-to-week.
Right now I'm trying to gain weight. Here is what I eat
each day:
1) 8:00 a.m.-Half Cup Oatmeal with nuts and all-natural honey;
2 scoop Optimum Nutrition Protein Shake*
2) 11:00-Quizno's Regular Sandwich on wheat; Baked Lays; 12 animal
crackers (YES! animal crackers) and/or sugar free reduced fat ice cream**
3) 2:00 p.m.-3 popcorn cakes; peanut butter; 2 scoop Optimum Nutrition
Protein Shake***
4) 5:00 p.m.-2 Stallone Protein Puddings with light cool whip****
5) 7:00 p.m.-baked chicken breasts (with fat and skin cut off);
1 baked potato with light sour creme and cheese; 1 cup sugar free ice cream by Kroger*****
6) 9:00 p.m.-8 egg whites; 1 yolk; cheese******
7) 11:30 p.m.-2 scoop Micell Edge Protein Shake; almonds*******
-Super Complete Capsules by Ultimate Nutrition (Multi-Vitamin)
-Branch-Chain Amino Acids by Ultimate Nutrition
-Amino Gold by Ultimate Nutrition (Amino Acids)
-L-Glutamine by Ultimate Nutrition
Matt Riviera
NOTE: To reduce the risk of personal injury, please consult a physician before starting this or any other
training program. | |