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Was Hitler 'Normal' Sexually?
There is only one thing I want. I would like to be seriously ill, and to hear nothing more about him for at least a week. Why doesn't something happen to me? Why do I have to go through all this? If only I had never set eyes on him! I am utterly miserable. I shall go out and buy some more sleeping powder and go into a half-dreamlike state, and then I won't think about it so much. Why doesn't that Devil take me with him? It would be much better with him than it is here. I waited for three hours in front of the Carlton, and had to watch him buying flowers for Ondra and inviting her to dinner. (That was just my mad imagination. March 16th.) He only needs me for certain purposes, otherwise it is not possible. This is idiocy. When he says he loves me, it only means he loves me at that particular instant. Like his promises, which he never keeps. Why does he torment me like this, when he could finish it off at once?
It is anyone's guess what Eva meant by "He only needs me for certain purposes." What those "purposes" were is uncertain, but one can reasonably presume that sex was involved. Still, it is a mystery that could explain a lot, or nothing at all. I doubt that there is one Hitler biographer that would not desire a definitive answer to this question, regardless of its prurient nature. Unfortunately, the answer to this question was destroyed along with Eva and Adolf and is lost forever.Copyright © 2011-2013 Walther Johann von Löpp All Rights Reserved
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