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Did Hess Deserve His Life Sentence?
The French thought twenty years was an adequate sentence for Hess. No one else agreed. As ever, the Russians wanted a hanging--in this case they added to their general principle the national prejudice that Hess's flight to Scotland had been an attempt to win Germany a free hand against Russia. They also argued that Hess's signature on the Nuremberg Decrees made him guilty of the deaths of millions of Jews; that his signature of the documents incorporating conquered territories and his establishment of compulsory military service made him at least as culpable as Frick; that his uniquely close relationship with Hitler and vigorous public support for all his policies put him in the same category as Goering; his detailed knowledge of all aggressive planning put him in the same category as many defendants who were to hang. These arguments convinced the other judges that Hess deserved a heavy sentence. But they had also put in the balance the fact that Hess left Germany in 1941; only after that date did the worst atrocities occur. In a three to one vote against the Russians they found Hess guilty on Counts One and Two only; after a three to one vote against the French, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.
I'd have given him Life, also, but I'd certainly have expected--as did a number of the Judges--that he would not have had to serve the full term, especially as decade followed decade. A Life Sentence would have confirmed the serious gravity of the Crime, while a humanitarian release at some distant point--contingent on some show of regret or remorse from the prisoner, perhaps--would have confirmed the righteousness and charity of the victors tribunal. This is standard procedure in such cases.[Rudolf Hess's] life sentence by the IMT (International Military Tribunal) at Nuremberg was, compared with others, by no means a lenient one. I suspect that all of us on the Western side took it for granted that it would be subject to the same sort of commutation recognized in civilized systems of criminal justice, and would not literally be for life. That he should continue to be imprisoned now, seems to me an affront to all notions of justice.
In the event, incarceration for so many years came to be perceived as Cruel and Unusual by many, and fickle Public Opinion--already out of its shallow depth with the Trials nuances to begin with--began to condemn the Trials themselves as war crimes of a sort (Victors Justice). This is unfortunate.Copyright © 2011-2013 Walther Johann von Löpp All Rights Reserved
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