The 30th Century Crystal Palace

Sailor Moon Enemies Bios
The Moon Kingdom History
Sailor Scouts Bios
Sailor Moon Midi Page
Episode Guide

Welcome graphic

On this Sailor Moon fan page, I'll put up info about the Charaters, Moves the Scouts use, and an outline of the plot of Sailor Moon.

I'll keep adding on to the site so check up on this site for updates.

2/15/04- Well, I've updated again, and I've added a new section here. It's an episode guide to the Sailor Moon series up to the end of S. I'll work on it more later on and possibly have the last two seasons up on the episode guide.

2/5/04- I've added some new pictures for the villians, all of the villians of the Super S season (not counting the Super S movie) and almost all of the villians of the Stars series.

2/2/04- I just added new pictures for the villians bios. Go over and take a look at them. New ones include, Nepflite, Malachite, Jedite and the Amazon Trio. More to come soon.

2/1/04- I know that I haven't updated in a while so I'm starting to update now. 3 new midis in the midi section. Exepct to have either my fanfic of a new Sailor Moon series up soon or the Sailor Moon: Another Story Rom. Most likely it'll be the fanfic. Well, until then.....see ya.

11/2/03- Well, I've got this site up and ready, I'll have more to look at soon. Stay tune in the next couple days for updates.

The Inner Sailor Scouts

Fighting evil by moonlight..... this is the orignal 5 Sailor Scouts. Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Venus along with Artimis and Luna the cats.