Dragonfly Descending - HUM Audio / Video header art

"Wires to the temples, place them on, let's see how we sound."

"Wires to the temples, place them on, let's see how we sound."


Directed by Tony Vegas and filmed at Matt's house, the video to the single "Stars" was not exactly well received by MTV and was consequently not pushed as heavily as the song deserved, despite it being a favorite with the staff at the station. The video, with strong red and blue tones, shows the band playing in Matt's basement while wearing red mechanic's jumpsuits as a "trendy" party happens upstairs. Images of a large clock and a toothless old man are seen as well.

An interesting article can be found here about the video shoot.

The Pod

"The Pod" was directed by OhioGirl's Andy Mueller during an ice storm at Robert Allerton Park, near Monticello, IL. The video starts off and ends with a low, fast moving, fish-eye lens shot over a frozen creek in the middle of some icy woods (a la Evil Dead II). A microphone attached to the camera speedily zooms across the early morning ground as it heads for Matt, whose back is turned to the viewer. He spins around just as the mic reaches him and the first words of the song begin.

Interspersed throughout the film are cuts of the park's woodlands in Illinois where the band is playing. Fallen logs, bare winter trees, branches, flower buds, thorns, and bubbles floating through the air abound, lending an eerie, underwater feel. Along with shots of the band's equipment, there are a few After Effects style clips and fades, as well as a mysterious golden-handed / gloved individual. Shots of the guys smiling and such are seen towards the end.

One of the memorable locations from the video features the band playing together within the amphitheater-like surrounds of the Sunken Garden. Additionally, there is a unique statue featured elsewhere within the park that eventually served to possibly inspire the name of Matt's majestic side/solo project Centaur.

Comin' Home

"Comin' Home" was directed by Phil Harder, who also directed Failure's stylish video for "Stuck on You". (This being the reason HUM chose the director.) Containing breathtaking, sped-up, National Geographic-esque tundra footage and a female model / scientist, HUM's first video for Downward Is Heavenward was unique and extravagant. The band, playing before a large, colorful, swirling projection screen, is dressed in black, Dune stillsuit-like outfits.

Clips of the scientist dressed in a furry, sci-fi parka outfit are strewn in, showing her collecting insects and speaking through some kind of communication device. For the bridge / solo portion of the song, Matt is seen inside a cockpit wearing an early fighter pilot's cap and goggles. The video, a collaboration between Matt and Phil, received mixed reactions from HUM fans, as detailed in this phone interview with Matt.

Green To Me

"Green To Me" was the most recent addition to the HUM video library, whose director was, seemingly, never listed in the credits. Lots of green, purple, and magenta tint this video, along with heavy visual symbolism. Throughout the film are scenes with a small, blond boy riding in the backseat of a car, looking out the window at passing trees. In addition are shots with an Asian man who is driving the car, as well as clips of a young, dark-haired woman laying down upon a table. During the bridge / solo of the song, an egg emerges from her mouth and falls, smashing upon the tile floor.

Near the end of the video, she is seen descending a long set of outdoor stairs, grasping a set of keys that are passed to her by the previously mentioned man, who is ascending in a cable gondola. The band, looking casual and somewhat deadpan, are playing in a geometric penthouse-like room using some unique instruments. A large tortoise is shown crawling around the floor on occasion. In certain scenes Matt is shown near a window while singing and playing a Gibson Firebird guitar.

Iron Clad Lou

Once seen exclusively through Parasol, the video for "Iron Clad Lou" is not an official RCA venture. While not 100% sure on this, I believe the director was Tony Vegas, who directed the video for "Stars". The clip of "ICL" is, interesting, to say the least. Some spoken word is stated during the intro to the song, which is along the lines of "a rat, a clown, and a bum". In the video are shots of a dilapidated old pickup truck, some type of gas / service station, a phone booth, a large blue watery plane, and some interestingly dressed male characters.

Whether or not HUM had any input on this is unknown (and somewhat doubtful). Likely, they allowed the director to use the song as a backdrop, if you will, to the spoken word piece or story, perhaps not knowing exactly what was going to happen. That said, this is all just speculation.

HUM Live

Footage from the early years of HUM, prior to Electra 2000 or You'd Prefer an Astronaut, seems to be pretty rare, making any appearances from the band during that time frame rather unique and special. Filmed by Jackass collaborator Lance Bangs, here is a recording of HUM performing "Hello Kitty" live, sometime in 1993.

HUM has made several television appearances, including visits to MTV's 120 Minutes, performing "Stars" and "I'd Like Your Hair Long", as well as The Howard Stern Show, The Jon Stewart Show (available here as well), and Late Night with Conan O'Brien where they were reported to be the loudest act ever in the erstwhile history of the show.

HUM Audio / Video Links

Contained a clip of "Comin' Home", a live clip of "Iron Clad Lou", and a clip of Matt talking about his dogs and interests.

Audio clips from E2K, YPAA, and DIH. Most of these online music sites had HUM clips to download.


Flashpoints hosted HUM video interpretations where fans could submit their own video ideas and themes for any songs. Many live and rare HUM MP3s were there for download as well, such as Fillet Show in its entirety.

Contained a live version of the unreleased song "Inklings".

Contained the videos for "Comin' Home", "Green To Me", and "Iron Clad Lou", along with a Honcho Overload video for "Wish", featuring Jeff and Matt.

The Pod
Hosted streamed HUM audio clips.

Audio / video feed of a live HUM show at the Metro in Chicago, IL on January 30, 1998, as well as an audio phone interview with Matt.

Internet Archive
Unofficial, fan contributed collection of live HUM performances from over the years, circa YPAA and onward.
Lots of special moments and hidden gems can be found tucked away here.

In addition to their official RCA videos, several HUM interviews and live performances have cropped up on YouTube along the way.
While certainly not a comprehensive list, here's a smattering of some standout content:

HUM live at Fireside Bowl  −  10/30/1997
HUM interviewed on Modern Rock Live  −  01/26/1998
HUM appearing on The NewMusic  −  04/08/1998
HUM appearing on What's The Story?  −  1998