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Guam is a territory of the United States of America. It is located in the south Pacific Ocean. Guam's head of the government is a governor voted for by the people. Elections for governor are held every four years and a governor cannot run more than two consecutive times. The people of Guam are called Chamorros and the native tongue is Chamorro. Most on Guam are Chamorros, Filipinos, and others are oriental. Villages have fiestas to honor their patron saints, many relatives are invited to these parties, some villages have parades and mini carnivals. Catholics gather in the capital, Hagatña, at the Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral Basilica and have a procession to honor Santa Maria Camalin on December 8, the feast day of the Immaculate Conception. The celebration is about two hours. Every year in July through August, there is a carnival that takes place at Ypao beach park.

Guam has a tropical climate and as you drive around you will see palm trees and coconut trees along the road. Located in Tumon is Hotel Row, where there are many hotels and tourist shops. Game Works, Duty Free Shoppers, Planet Hollywood, Hard Rock Cafe are located in Tumon. There are many shopping centers, historical sites, and tourist spots around the island. There are also restaurants scattered around the island featuring Chamorro food and Asian food.