(\*Angel To Me*/)

Where should I start?
Where do I begin?
Let me tell you of this girl,
This Heaven within.

I know nothing but her name
And the sound of her voice.
To see her before me
Would cause my heart, my life to rejoice.

Whenever I sign on,
And see her name on the screen,
All my problems fade,
And with everyone, the slate becomes clean.

I know it sounds strange,
I know it sounds weird,
You're probably thinking,
'For all she knows, it's a man with a beard.'

But in her I have faith,
And in her I have trust,
And to believe her,
For me it is a must.

She is the sweetest one
Anyone could ever meet.
I look back now and I'm surprised to say,
That gaining her friendship and trust was not a great feat.

She's one of those few people,
That in this life I shall hold.
She's near and dear to my heart,
For without her, my life, my heart would be cold.

No, I am not gay,
I am not a queer,
But I had forgotten the way.
I didn't know which way to steer.

Now my life is on track,
And it's getting good.
All because just one person cared.
One person understood.

I wish I could say
Exactly what she did,
But she helped in so many ways,
And from me she never hid.

I wish I could say thank you.
But I know I never could.
There's not enough time,
Nor would it be understood.

I know this is short,
Everything seems to be.
I just hope you realize,
You are an angel to me.

This poem was dedicated to a very important friend of mine...you know who you are...Love ya--dearly not queerly =)
