
Zachary, or Zac, has grown onto all of us that are or have been fans of the group, Hanson.
He's the hyper drum player that loves to show his crazy side. Once he warms up to you, Zac is loud and a total riot.
Zachary loves his sarcasm and gives "smart ass answers" during interviews as John Norris of MTV has said.
Zac is somewhat a smaller version of Isaac, with his crazy impressions and stupid, in a good way, jokes.
He not only has a talent for music, but also for drawing. Zac is definitely an artist as we have all seen. His drawings of a vase of roses, or "a man", and his comic strip found in the fourth edition of MOE are much better than just good.
Zac is one whom you can never forget. His crazy antics and weird ways are so extraordinary, you have to remember them.
Zachary, the so shy he's crazy of the band, is an individual who will steal your heart within just a few minutes of knowing you.