Lanni and Vita Moe, parents to:
Diana Moe 30/ Nickie Moe 24/ Rocky Moe 21 and Rickie-Lee Moe 16.
My dearest wife Vita, the picture was taken when we where living with her parents in their
bungalow located in Copenhagen together with Diana our first daughter
A picture taken in the year 1970 Vita and Lanni in the youth club, where i later was hired and worked for 18
The club was a place where young people with problems or didnt fit in to society or where different from other
people. This was the place me and my wife met and later got married and 4 kits, five grand children etc. etc.

Nickie Moe our daugther, she is 24 years now, she has Dianas wedding dress on

Troels Thomsen, Father og Venessa and Dion
Nickie when she was small in Copenhagen

Diana and Nickie when they where younger in Copenhagen, back in the ninetees

Diana-Nickie and Rocky

Our son Rocky when he was small, and sweet and there was never any trouble , ha ha ha

Our son Rocky Tau Moe, when he was a nice little boy

Dion, son of Nickie Moe and Troels Thomsen, our Daughter