The Masterpiece

A treasure of my Father's own design
Lay shattered on the floor at His feet.
It seemed it would be impossible to mend
this broken piece.

The original handiwork was rare, it was
priceless to be exact. Yet there it lay in
pieces on the floor at my Father's feet.

I saw in my Father's eyes as He gazed on
His treasure so rare. He knelt down and
began to rearrange each piece with the
utmost care.

 As each teardrop feel on a broken piece
  rough edges were washed away as

He labored through the night His priceless
broken treasure to restore. I saw that at
last every piece had found it's proper place
as guided by my father's hand, and His
amazing grace.

Then He smiled, I heard Him laugh out
loud at the vessel He held in His hands.
You're so much more than a treasure
You see you're a masterpiece, my child.

As I felt His arms wrap around me
Securing me close to Himself. I
understood that my broken mess had
been healed by His own blood.

As I lifted my face, I smiled at Him
and saw that he was smiling back at me
For my Father's Masterpiece.... is Me!

~Author Unknown~






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