My Husband, Rick's Testimony

Hello, my name is Bro. Rick.
I wanted to take a few minutes to share
with you my personal testimony.

When I was very young my parents divorced.
I had a very hard time dealing with that reality,
After all, we went to Church, and things like this
wasn't supposed to happen.

After the divorce, I lived with my dad, and my
sister moved to the foothills with my mom.
My world was broken, not to mention my heart
as well. Being so hurt inside, I didn't see my own
mother for a year. I became rebellious and
disrespectful to everyone around me.

 At the age of about 11 or 12, I started drinking
smoking, and finally hard drugs. At first, it was
occasional. Then all of a sudden it was from the time
I woke up, until I passed out. By this time, my dad
and I were at each others throat all the time.

Even though we always fought, we were drinking
buddies. We had only one thing in common,
the divorce. My life was a mess. How did this
happen? I couldn't understand.

Then I started getting in trouble with the law.
I was in and out of jail it seemed like every
other day. So I would run to my mother's for
awhile, or at least until she started laying down
rules. I ran back and forth for 2 or 3 years.

By this time I was dealing drugs, not just doing
them. I was shooting up heroin, smoking crack
all the time, and taking acid. How did my life get
so out of control?

Suddenly I found myself facing 15 years of
prison for grand theft auto. Plus, there was
about 19 other charges along with it.

It was a funny thing, all of a sudden I saw
something. While I had a lot of money, alcohol,
drugs, etc... I had more friends than I could
count. But, as soon as I was in trouble, broke
without alcohol, without drugs, there was no
friends to be found.

All of a sudden things started taking place in
my life that I could not explain.
[or at least then I couldn't explain]
Finally, I went into a drug and alcohol rehab center.
I didn't go to change I went so it would look
good in court.

Well, our plan is not always God's plan...
I know that everyone can identify with that.
Long story short, I give my life to Jesus.

My court date had finally come, as I went in to the
court room, the Lord spoke to me
"The truth will set you free" I got my lawyer and
told him to plead me guilty. He made me leave
the court room because he was so furious with
me for lying.

Any how, a couple of minutes after I went out
he came out to where I was standing.
All he said to me was, go pay your fine and I don't
ever want to see you in my office again. That is
exactly what I did.

All I know is what the Bible says,
" If God be for us, who can be against us?"
I have found a friend that sticks closer than a
brother, His Name.... JESUS
I recommend Him to all. He is a Healer, Deliverer,
Savior. Everything you need, He is.

May God bless you abundantly for taking the time
to read some of my testimony. I'm now 32 years
old, and I Love Jesus more and more everyday.

~Brother Rick~

To Email Brother Rick, please click here

Testimony Written 2000

We have had many people to email Brother Rick, and say that they enjoyed reading his Testimony, and was blessed by it.
We wanted to say thank you, and God bless you!!







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