number* thirty five
nickname* jiggers, jiggy, j.s., jigger
birthday* may 16, 1977
weight* 200 lbs.
height* 6'1"
honeykins status* married to kristen fawthrop on june 21 2003 {took a week long cruise to the caribbean for their honeymoon}
yumfactor* three-point-five outta five
he's a* Canadian boy from Montreal
best feature* his ability to grow such an ugly beard for the whole world to, nah...his lisp i guess
you otta know* he's got a cute lisp his idol is pat roy...he loves tom hanks and julia roberts...when his career is over he wants to live in montreal and open a buisness.. he loves the expos and lasagna...he likes pearl jam...if he wasnt a hockey players hed be a tennis player, he wishes the nets were smaller.