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Leslie's Hoobastank Fan Site
Thanks for coming to my site.

All the sections are pretty much done, except I'm still working on the lyrics that are rare. Tell me if the stuff in multimedia doesn't work. Thanks.
Join the Hoobastank Fanclub! Go here: http://www.hoobastank.com/fanclub/site/login/index.asp
Also if you are interested, sign up for the official e-team: http://www2.fanscape.com/hoobastank/signup.asp

Please take note, this is a fan site. If you want to go to the official site, go to http://www.hoobastank.com/. I do not know Hoobastank or anyone from their party.

Hoobastank (from left to right): Chris, Doug, Dan, Markku

Hoobastank (from left to right): Markku, Doug, Chris, Dan

Hoobastank consists of:

Doug Robb: Vocals
Dan Estrin: Guitar
Markku Lappalainen: Bass
Chris Hesse: Drums