Hook Choral Society

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Hook Choral Society tackles a wide range of music, as can be seen from the details of past concerts.


Spring Concert 2011

Saturday 16th April
Queen Mary's College, Cliddesden Road, Basingstoke
Orff's Carmina Burana, Tippett's Five Negro Spirituals from A Child of Our Time and other pieces

Summer Concert 2011

Saturday 2nd July,

Songs with Supper, New Elizabeth Hall, Hook

Saturday 23rd January 2010
Evensong at Southwark Cathedral
Spring Concert 2010
Saturday 24th April,
St Bede's RC Church, Basingstoke
Haydn's Creation
accompanied by Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra
Quiz Night 2010

Saturday 22nd May,

Elizabeth Hall, Hook


Summer Concert 2010

July 2010,

Elizabeth Hall, Hook


Christmas Carol Concert 2010

18th December 2010, 3.30pm

St. John's Church, Hook

January Evensong 2009
Saturday 31st January
Evensong at Portsmouth Cathedral.
Quiz Night 2009

Saturday 7th February

Elizabeth Hall, Hook


Spring Concert 2009
Saturday 18th April
St Bede's RC Church, Popley Way, Basingstoke
Jenkins - The Armed Man: A Mass For Peace
Bernstein - Chichester Psalms
Summer Songs and Supper 2009
Saturday 4th July
Elizabeth Hall, Hook. 
Autumn Concert 2009
Saturday 14th November
St Bede's RC Church, Popley Way, Basingstoke
An evening of Howard Goodall music:
Eternal Light: A Requiem for the Living
Psalm 23 (theme from the Vicar of Dibley)
Marlborough Canticles
Love Divine
In Memoriam:  Anne Frank
We believe we were the first choir to sing Goodall's Eternal Light in the county, first performed in London in November 2008, Goodall has received Composer of the Year 2009 at the Classic Brit award for this work.
Christmas Concert 2009
Saturday 19th December, 3.30pm
St John's Church, Hook

Quiz Night 2008

Saturday 1st March 2008

Elizabeth Hall, Hook


Spring Concert 2008

Saturday 26th April 2008

St John’s Church, Hook

Vesperae Solennes de Confessore K339 – Mozart

In Memoriam Anne Frank - Howard Goodall

Rejoice in the Lamb – Britten

Five Negro Spirituals from a Child of our Time – Tippett


Summer Concert 2008

Saturday 5th July 2008

Rotherwick Village Hall


2nd November 2008
Faure's Requiem at a memorial
concert in Worcester, at Our Lady Queen of
Peace Church.

Autumn Concert 2008

Saturday 15th November 2008

St. Bede's Church, Basingstoke

Requiem - Fauré

Four Coronation Anthems - Handel


Family Christmas Concert
Saturday 20th December 2008
St John's Church, Hook

Spring Concert 2007
St. John's Church, Hook
Secular Music and Opera Choruses

Summer Supper Concert 2007

Rotherwick Village Hall

Supper and sangria provided

Songs by John Ireland, arrangements of well known Beatles’ and Billy Joel tunes.


Open Evening For New Members 2007

St John's Church, London Road, Hook

Come and check us out and chat over a glass of wine. 

We don't hold auditions so no pressure!


Autumn Concert 2007

St John’s Church, Hook

Magnificat – Pergolesi

Cantat 140 ‘Wachet Auf’ – Bach

Requiem – Durufle


Family Christmas Concert 2007

St John’s Church, Hook


Carol Crawl 2007

Includes three of four pubs in the local area.

Spring Concert 2006
All Saints Church, Basingstoke
Karl Jenkins :  Requiem
Karl Jenkins :  Adiemus
Summer Supper Concert 2006
Queen Elizabeth Hall, Hook
A light summer collection including arrangements of Shakespeare songs by George Shearing and Vaughan Williams
Autumn Concert 2006
All Saints Church, Basingstoke
Handel : The Messiah



Spring Concert 2005

Elgar :  The Music Makers.

Parry :  Blest Pair of Sirens

Vaughan Williams :  Five Mystic Songs


Summer Concert 2005

Queen Elizabeth Hall, Hook


Autumn Concert 2005

Poulenc :  Christmas Motets

Shearing :  Shakespeare's Songs and Sonnets

Lauridsen :  Lux Aeterna

Barber :  4 Songs


Christmas Concert 2005

St.John's Church, Hook



Spring Concert 2004

Rossini :  Petite Messe Solonelle


Summer Supper Concert 2004

Sunday 4th July at Farnham Castle, Farnham

Saturday 10th July at St. Luke's Church, Burton, Christchurch

Light music for a summer evening


Autumn Concert 2004

Brahms :  Requiem

Mozart :  Exsultate, Jubilate


Charity Carol Crawl 2004

The Carol Pub Crawl raised £134.24 for Odiham Cottage Hospital!



Spring Concert 2003

A programme of Choral Classics, with some organ pieces to celebrate the new organ at St. John's Church.

Tallis and Britten :  Church music

Mascagni, Tchaikovsky, Puccini and Verdi :  Choruses from operas.


Summer Concert 2003

Supper and a program of light music.

Interval music by "Anglo Sax" saxophone quartet


Autumn Concert 2003

(with the Ella Chamber Orchestra)

Mozart :  Requiem

Rutter :  Feel The Spirit

Elgar :  Orchestral Suite


Carol Concert 2003

Familiar and less well known seasonal songs.




Spring Concert 2002

Rachmaninov :  Combined Service ("Rachmaninov Vespers")


Summer Concert 2002

A concert of light music (Music by Billy Joel, Delibes etc.)


Autumn Concert 2002

(with the Ella Chamber Orchestra)

Bach :  Magnificat

Vivaldi :  Gloria

Bach :  Orchestral Suite No. 2




1st January 2001 Evensong at Salisbury Cathedral
Hymns, anthems, chants and responses


Spring Concert 2001
Jenkins :   Excerpts from Adiemus
Tcherepnin :  Sonatina for Timpani and Piano
Rachmaninov :  Second Suite for Two Pianos
Orff :  Carmina Burana.


Summer Concert 2001
Music for a Summer's Evening (various)


Autumn Concert 2001
Handel :  The Messiah with 18 piece orchestra and soloists Jane Sherrif (soprano), Timothy Brown (counter-tenor), Mark Dobell (Tenor) and David Stout (Bass).


December 2001 Carol Concert

(Collaboration with Basingstoke Concert Band)




Spring Concert 2000
Haydn :   "The Creation" with the
Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra and the Wessex Chamber Choir.


Summer supper 2000
Music through the 20th Century


Autumn Concert 2000
Faure :   Requiem
Mozart :   Missa Brevis
Monteverdi :  Beatus Vir


Christmas Concert 2000
An afternoon concert of carols and seasonal songs.



