I watched you from afar
whenever you were called.
I watched the concern and care
etched upon your face.
I learned something new today
Of this I want to be a part.

I made my final decision,
I took the step today.
I made a true commitment
to do the best I possibly could.
I learned something new today,
I'm stronger than I think.

I put my heart and soul to work
I worried and I prayed.
I gave it everything I had,
no sacrifice too great.
I learned something new today...
this means so very much!

The work is finally over,
let's hope it all works out.
The final days are on me now,
I worry, pray, and sweat,
but finally...
I learned something new today,
I AM an EMT!!!

I take my place upon the list,
I listen for the tones,
I gladly give up weekends, nights,
and many other plans.
I learned something new today,
I really have some worth.

I continue on with study,
I learn the newest stuff.
I come to all the meetings,
I try to be a part.
I learned something new today,
there's going to be a fight.

I want to do what's right,
to care for people the best I can,
use everything I know.
I learned something new today,
you call it "load and go".

I know there is a time and place,
a reason and a rhyme,
a need for "load and go".
But, I learned something new today,
here we do it for a swollen toe.

I want to be on the squad,
a member of the team,
but I refuse to compromise,
do less than what I learned.
I learned something new today,
I believe in standards and to be the best I can.

I ask a lot of questions,
I fight for what I believe,
but I feel I'm pushed aside,
told "shush, we mustn't rock the boat".
I learned something new today,
you want no part of change.

I ask for information
about this squad of "ours",
but I never seem to get it,
or else am told "you should have known".
I learned something new today,
dare to be different and you'll surely be pushed aside.

I often remind myself of the reason that I'm here,
of the people, sick and hurt,
the ones I want to help.
I learned something new today,
I can't help others here unless its meant to be.

I guess that what I'm saying is
I wish you all the best.
But, as for me, I guess I'll go my way,
continue on alone,
the way I've felt most all the time
I've been upon this squad.

I guess I hear a "different drum",
and "walk a different path",
I can't do the things the way you say
that "you have always done".
I don't know how that is.

DLS - Copyright 1998

<BGSOUND SRC="https://members.tripod.com/hudsonrec/Music/onetin.mid" LOOP="-1">
One Tin Soldier


Rejected +++ Small Towns +++ I Learned Something New
Extinguished Flames +++ A Garden May Grow



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