Smile the smile and walk the walk,
            small towns are known for talking the talk.
            Some will accept and others reject,
            some will welcome and others neglect,
            and some will just wait to see the effect.

            Small towns I'm told are special indeed,
            and will join together to serve a need.
            The short time I've been here I have indeed seen,
            from older and younger, and those in between,
            community spirit and what it might mean.

            When I came here I felt that I wanted to be
            an active part of this community.
            I joined in, somewhat timidly at first,
            then more rapidly, soon with a burst,
            until eventually I found myself totally immersed.

            What a wonderful feeling to feel you're a part
            of a community that seems to have a big heart.
            So on about my way I went,
            not realizing there were so many that resent
            new ideas, new people and thoughts, no matter how
            well intentioned they're meant.

            Now that I've been here a while it seems
            not everyone is welcome to follow their dreams.
            At first it seems that you will fit in,
            they smile and welcome you, and let you begin,
            but if you show enthusiasm, fire, or pride, there isn't
            a battle they'll allow you to win.

            Now that I've walked through the fire and been burned,
            my thoughts on small towns are of lessons I've learned.
            Though I try not to judge folks by their ties,
            most of you know whether things said were of lies,
            and that's why I question that you don't meet my eyes.

            There exists such a thing as guilt by association,
            when you band together its called a confederation.
            When people are hurt by things that are done,
            just remember each day as you face a new sun,
            you must answer to another if unkindness was done.

            I'm slowly withdrawing, caring less than before,
            realizing that I'm not the one who should keep score.
            This town that I came to, still it is here,
            Though I don't see it the same from year to year,
            nor will I ever hold it so dear.

            The smiles that I see now don't ring quite so true,
            of pride in the walk, I see fewer and few.
            There are still those who accept, but ever more who reject,
            there are still others who continue to welcome,
            but I feel less respect,
            for those that just waited, though they knew the effect.

            That community spirit I thought that I saw
            was more like a picture a child might draw,
            fantasy, wishes, and part of a dream,
            not at all what it maybe might seem.
            Now that I know the things that I know,
            I'm not really so proud to be a part of your team.

            DLS - Copyright 1999

            <BGSOUND SRC="" LOOP="-1">
            "You've Got To Try A Little Kindness"

            Rejected * Small Towns * I Learned Something New *
            Extinguished Flames *

            MY GUESTBOOK

            Thanks for the graphics!!