Little bits of us have started exploding...
Which would be great except for the fact that there
wasn't, isn't and
will be enough of us blow our own hats off, (as someone's
dear old
might probably have put it).
Nice to see you're a forum now... My dictionary says
that means you're
public place in ancient Rome where the Corrs were
tried. Hope you find
guilty, wretched family.
Tell us... How has the phenomenom we call the popular
reality affected
enhanced your life? There are two publications called,
'The Popular
reality' in existence. One is published by the Oxford
Press and the
by a transexual head case called Susan Poe in Detroit.
Which would you
rather get yr hands on. JUNK TV and the Buck in Fudgy
conglomerate of
underhand media rascals endorse and recommend neither,
but that's just
we're sore.
We are charmed, by the way... Does that constitute
some kind of answer?
we are a bunch of smart arses. That's why we can't
just answer a simple
question without plugging our website at
We are pleased to have made your aquaintance like this.
Do pop over
time, we need freakin'.
With much graciousness,