"it's all over"

bulletin archive January 2000

bulletin 00004

masks on please
und take a seat
Pretty Lady will see you in a moment
it's the hermetically sealed

gorgeous patients have staggered in und collapsed at the reception desk
here at Pretty Lady A&E

inhalers at the ready

thats lovely,
the doctor will see you now...

what have we to amuse you whilst slumped in the 'day room' in that filthy dressing gown?

we have a marvellous new addisssion to the that's entertainment ward
the edible Gary has sent us a snapshot,
taken by none other than Chloe Poems,
of the moment in which he shared the stage with our divine icon for portraiture reasons

a word of warning also, we've decided to fillet our fresh produce a little, to tear out, under local anaesthetic, the produce which can no longer be deemed crisp und fresh, the bits past their sell by date if you will
und so have removed any links which no longer work...
if your link is gone, over, und shouldn't be, maybe you've changed your address or some such farce, let us know the new address und we'll pop you back on as sure as frozen ready to transplant eggs is frozen ready to transplant eggs

click here, if you feel well enough, for our marvellous medical finale!

bulletin 00003

what else could it be, really?
yes, you guessed it, it's the beautiful


wasn't it absolutely marvellous?
aren't you still a little moist?
can we garner together the words to describe this event?...
und many, mnay other descriptive phrases ending, as those above, with "al" und/or "ing"
(no, not "fucking", drag your mind from the gutter for five seconds for pity's sake)
we've quick-as-you-like whisked together a little television supplement for your enjoyment...
he heals in high heels
which we think you might enjoy

und as for our finale this week, we've handed it over to the maistro und his avant-guardian angel
oh yes, click here, und be transported to a magical place wherein you can witness contemporary dance
at it's very pinnacle!


bulletin 00002


we all love the sales, don't we?
a chance to purchase things we really don't need at half the price we would never have paid for them in the first place!

what have we on special offer this week?


we've frozen prices in the media sectsssion whereupon you will discover brand new items from Attitude Magazine's Front sectsssion!

we've got more cut price steals in the gallery sectssssion, with the snapshot proffered with said article (see above!)

The Lovely Linny has informed us,
over the store tannoy system,
of bedazzling news in the latest copy of
Radio Times
oh yes... set your weeeeedio for
Friday 14 Jan:
12.55 C4
it's a brand new show!
The Divine David Heals
more informassssion on that in the snippets department of the
Obsessive Compulsive Sectssssion
where you can find the entire transcribasssion of said snippet und more!
und danke to all of you who have whisked this informassssion along to us since, the pretty lady grapevine was... heaving with fruitiness, oh yes

we've also slashed prices on the quotes page,
introduced a more fully rounded help desk at the bottom of this page
und added some new bargains in fresh produce!

click here for this weeks closing performance!

hurry! offer MUST end next week!

bulletin 00001
welcome to the new millennium
to the end of everything
it's all over
they've all... packed up and left
our theme for this bulletin is

click here for Count Lovely und Spike's extravagant finale
due to the nature of piece of avant garde lifespace art, several small islands off the Isle of Sheppey no longer exist, und sadly our promises to re-house the various residents have, we cannot deny fallen rather short of the mark... photographed by Lord Lichfield, und created with the help und assistance of Dana (who, dressed as a strawberry, actually pushed the button for us) we called the piece
"something to look forward to"
see the few pictures we managed to get before the polaroid melted
by clicking anywhere on this link

back to yesterday's news index