"it's all over"
december 1999
welcome ye all to this special,
enormous bumper Christmas variety pack of goodies
oh yes!
Santa has emptied a huge sack
load all over us here at
Pretty Lady
20th of december 1999
oh thaaaaaannnkkkyyyoooouu,
it's just what we've always wanted, no really
you shouldn't have
beautiful festive angels all
of you, thankyou for all of your letters over the past year, it really
is lovely to hear from you all,
but can we say,
to all of you who choose to
write telling us that you DON'T like The Divine David
(theres always ONE isn't there),
perhaps, if this isn't too obvious
a thing to say, you'd be best not bothering, we're hardly going to share
your views now are we, doing a webpage about him and all?
popping yourselves down to give
us little "critiques" which are going to be ignored anyway... it's lovely
that you feel the cause special enough, but it's a little...
perhaps you'd be better off
doing something a little more constructive with your time?
like macrame?
napkin folding?,
or just FUCKING OFF even
we used to write thanking people
for taking time away from therapy to join with us, in an e-mail fashion...
but have become tired, a little bored, fatigued even
we therefore have a new policy
on this subject...
we don't write back!...
und no amount of goading (now
matter how amusing) will make us!
isn't that lovely?
just to show our appresssiasssion
of your time und effort, we show our feelings toward this style of critique,
especially the "funny" ones, with swear words und everything
well... Christmas around the
corner... und barely time to breathe, let alone think...
we're typing this out on auto
pilot whilst peeling sprouts
und then it's off to stuff a
few 'charms'
(crafted in Taiwan, und of an
unknown metal, it's quite flaky),
into the yuletide pudding,
lets keep our fingers crossed
that they don't leech out any dangerous toxins...
like last years batch...
it's so tiresome when you end
up blamed for brain damage isn't it?
takes the edge off the celebrassssions,
we find
contains a review of
The Divine David
Chloe Poems
sparkling last show
Ugli Sisters
(Studio Theatre at The Royal
this week we've been absolutely
in pictures, highly exclusive
pictures, no less
as posted to us by the ever
beautiful trinity of Pretty Lady regulars
that are
...travel forth to the
That's Entertainment! Readers
Celebrity Melange
whereupon you shall find
over 50 (yes FIFTY! count 'em!)
snapshots (of the live variety)
taken at Vauxhall Tavern shows
und at Edinburgh festivaltime
you can even make out audience
the backs of some of your heads
are certainly arousing
you may even see yourself,
oh yes, isn't that a lovely
you may be a SUPERSTAR of the
web, your face there to be poured over by the salivating hoards, their
eyes absorbing your body, the filthy imaginings... isnt that a delight?!
do let us know if you see yourself
(although WHY you havent sent
in a review is another thing entirely)
there are also more oddments
for the obsessive compulsive, thanks again to the lovely Linny
we also have 2 new gallery visions
for you to enjoy, thanks, yet again to Linny
(who's generosity plainly knows
no bounds)!
a spesssssial Christingle quote!
oh yes!
it's like Christmas
it's fun isn't it?
should we wind up this festive
newsreel with another musical number do you think?
we will
seeing as it's Christmas...
Count Lovely und Spike take their places on rocking chairs, tartan blankets on laps, faux log fire a-blazing in the background, sharing a cup of pretend beverage, there are mince pies und other Christmas ephemera dotted about the set, a jolly santa places gifts beneath an artificial tree in the background
Have yourselves a Pretty Lady
Let your heart be light
From now on,
our troubles will be out of
Have yourself a Pretty Lady
Make the Yule-tide gay,
From now on,
our troubles will be miles away.
Here were are as in olden days,
happy golden days of yore.
Faithful friends who are dear
to us
gather near to us once more.
Through the years we all will
be together
(laughing and touching one another)
If the Fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the
highest bough.
And have yourself...
a Pretty Lady Christmas...
(pause for effect)
a brandy bottle is knocked over, leading a silent trail to the fire, which erupts in flame, taking a small side table with it, unfortunately upon this table is a soda syphon, the combustible gasses within which duly explode, turning the set into a veritable fireball, stage hands run on with fire extinguishers, dragging an unconsious Count Lovely und Spike to safety, sadly the actor playing santa is caught up in the very heart of the maelstrom, running about screaming, artificial beard a mass of flame, until stage hands rugby tackle him to the floor, rolling him about to attempt to put him out, his wife, restrained by the director, screaming his name from the wings as the smell of burning nylon fills the air
the lights dim
have a wunderbar Christmas
try to cling to life between
now und when we next see you
be brave, we'll be thinking
of you
Count Lovely und Spike
we've just realised that we're
a YEAR old
isn't that marvellous!?
a year of unfailing celebrity
adorassssion made
digital eyecatching contemporary culture!
The nucleus that is the
sectssssion has now well und
truly exploded,
destroying all in it's wake,
with a new "It's Christmas!"
review by the fantabulous Linny
und the start of a That's Entertainment!
readers-photo melange
with some snaps taken und sent
by the fragrant Donna und Steve
we sincerely hope to expand
the That's Entertainment! sectssssion ever further with reviews from those
of you who attended the matrimonial happening this weekend...
please post your reviews und/or
snapshots here
we love exhibissssssions of
the elitism, the look but don't
aspect, the finger buffet,
und we have Art to exhibit
by the gorgeous ROY
the delicious LALA
wiiisit the art sectssssion
of postbag und devour them whilst
they are hot
we're a little bit fed up with the lackluster "bye!"
style finales to the news pages
so this week we're going for an absolute belter...
Count Lovely und Spike clear
their throats,
grab a gilded chair each from
the wings und take up dramatic poses centre stage, in front of a single
violet spotlight...
You have to understand the way we are,
Mein Pretty Lady wiiisitor...
A tiger is a tiger, not a lamb,
Mein Pretty Lady wiiisitor...
You'll never turn the vinegar to jam,
Mein Pretty Lady wiiisitor.
So we do...
What we do...
When we're through...
Then we're through...
And we're through...
Bye..... bye..... mein.... li-ber Pretty Lady wiiisitor.
Farewell, mein li-ber Pretty Lady wiiisitor.
It was a fine affair,
But now it's over.
And though we used to care,
we need the open air.
You're better off without us,
Mein Pretty Lady wiiisitor.
Don't dab your eye, Mein Pretty Lady wiiisitor
Or wonder why, Mein Pretty Lady wiiisitor.
we've always said that we were both rovers.
You mustn't knit your brow,
You should have known by now
You've every cause to doubt us
Mein Pretty Lady wiiisitor.
The continent of Europe is so wide, Mein Pretty Lady
Not only up and down
But side to side, Mein Pretty Lady wiiisitor.
we couldn't ever cross it if we tried, Mein Pretty
Lady wiiisitor.
But we do...
What we can...
Inch by inch...
Step by step...
Mile by mile...
Pretty Lady wiiisitor by Pretty Lady wiiisitor.
Bye bye, mein liber Pretty Lady wiiisitor
Farewell, mein liber Pretty Lady wiiisitor.
It was a fine affair,
But now it's over.
And though we used to care,
we need the open air.
You're better off without us,
Mein Pretty Lady wiiisitor.
Don't dab your eye, Mein Pretty Lady wiiisitor
Or wonder why, Mein Pretty Lady wiiisitor.
we've always said that we were both rovers.
You mustn't knit your brow,
You should have known by now
You've every cause to doubt us,
Mein Pretty Lady wiiisitor.
Bye bye, Mein Liber Pretty Lady wiiisitor,
Auf weidersehen, Mein Pretty Lady wiiisitor.
Es war sehr gut, Mein Pretty Lady wiiisitor.
Und Vorbei.
Du kennst mich wohl, Mein Pretty Lady wiiisitor,
Ach, lebe wohl, Mein Pretty Lady wiiisitor.
Du sollst mich nicht meher sehen,
Mein Pretty Lady wiiisitor.
Bye bye, Mein Liber Pretty Lady wiiisitor...
Und Vorbei.
Du kennst mich wohl,
Mein Pretty Lady wiiisitor...
And bye bye.
(altogether collectively!):
Bye bye, Mein Liber Pretty Lady wiiisitor,
Fare well, Mein Liber Pretty Lady wiiisitor,
It was a fine affair,
But now it's over.
And though we...
Used to care,
we need the...
Open air.
You're better off
Without us,
You'll get on without us.
Pretty Lady wiiisitor...
Pretty Lady wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisitor...
Count Lovely und Spike pause, throw up their arms und absorb the applause teary-eyed, then career to the back of the stage, tear down the scarlet velvet curtains, destroy several musical instruments, hurling the debris (along with ahstray-fulls of cigarette butts und several discarded wine glasses) into the crowd, start a small petroleum-fuelled fire in the orchestra pit, then clamber up the lighting rig und hurl themselves back down onto the stage where they lay, semi-concious und in some pain as nets above release armfuls of red rose petals und glitter...
the lights dim...
(it's all been rather Berlin-esque hasn't it?)
Christmas Comes Early for Pretty Lady's gorgeous
it certainly came early at the vauxhall tavern
last week,
as predicted several news items hence by the
fabulous showbiz Linny
with "It's Christmas!"
und it truly IS the time of giving
thanks to some expert string
pulling by the ever fragrant
Tina The Toilet Slut
we have news direct from the
lusciously berouged
The Divine David
which will render all the gifts
you could ever receive redundant
despite rumours to the contrary
to be a new televisual experience
January 2000
the DAWN of the new Millennium
isn't that gorgeous?
we really are feeling all festive und moist
what gifts of wonderment can we bestow upon
you this week?
"Can't wait to see what Santa's brought me"
open this one first!...
"It's Christmas: A Premature Celebration"
we have a beguiling, extensive review of the
nacht's unfoldments from two celebrity key players
the beautiful Bearer of the Twig herself Donna
und the equally desirable Steve in the BRAND NEW
"That's Entertainment!" sectsssion, a sectssssion
exclusively put aside for Pretty Lady wiiiisitors reviews...
oh yes... should you have any reviews, eyewitness
reports und suchlike please send them to us...
it's an updassssion of the wonderful world of world of wonder!
with a link to their soon to be revamped website!
another delicious slice of noise from the faaaaabulous
indeed part 3 of his Christmas Special art
(in the sound sectssssion)
more snippets for the obsessive compulsive
in the all new all new, re-re-vamped,
now split into easy to load sectssssions
obsessive compulsive!
a link to more links...
how avant garde!
til next time then
love to all
Count Lovely und Spike
Good Lord!
More news already?
oh yes
crack open the
Blue Nun
just lately, news seems to be
flooding through
Pretty Lady
like a
dose of salts
via the beautiful, radiant entity
known as
Tina The Toilet Slut
who has taken time out betwixt
choosing fabrics, telephoning caterers, putting together sugared almond
und ensuring the bridesmaids
don't balloon beyond their alloted dress sizes to furnish us with more
up-to-date wedding plans for you to peruse a-la
Pretty Lady Chapel D'Amour
there are celebrity biographies
outlining the chequered careers of each of the happy couple
und full, exciting details of
the sparkling occasion itself to boot!
with love to you all
Count Lovely und Spike