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my site that's not like a box of chocolates
Thursday, 5 July 2007
It's been four years ...

Four years ago, I started a tradition. That tradition is that I sit in front of the computer for about 10hrs each day. I'm still doing that and had been doing that for the past few summers.

I had long abandoned this blog after only a couple of days. That's fair. I believe this layout is called "watermelon" or something totally lame like that. I used to really like watermelons and the colors green and pink. Apparently, things had changed.

I was reading my old entries and I seemed to had a distaste for violent films and profanity-filled masquerades. Nevertheless, I was still a film buff, as I casually discussed the films I watched on TV. Four years later, it would be still the same. I had started a blog four months earlier and I would still casually discuss films that I view.  But since I'm a more "serious" film buff now, I like all kinds of films. Last summer, I enjoyed watching crime movies. Crime movies have A LOT of profanity and violence in them, but oh well. I pretty much changed after I watched The Godfather, which I first watched in 2004? Not too sure, but that film got me hooked on the classics.

But I still think Scream 2 is lame. 

For the most part, I didn't change much. I'm still the same ol' me.

Posted by humanbeing_4 at 5:19 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 5 July 2007 6:39 PM EDT

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