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my site that's not like a box of chocolates
Saturday, 5 July 2003
Today I watched Pokemon on TV. I was bored. That made me MORE bored. Watching bunch of stupid things walking around made my head hurt and I started to get exhausted in a way and got mad at Pokemon. My favorite children programing is Seasme Street. It's cool. It has Elmo and Big Bird and stuff. Hahaha! Actually I like it a lot. Oh yeah, I wish someone would actually post a comment on one of my messages cause no one had done anything yet and it's really making me bored by typing everyday. I was watching this movie review yesterday and they said that the ULTIMATE movie showdown this summer is Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines and Legally Blonde 2: Red, White, & Blonde. I think Terminator is going to win cause it's violent and it's a violent world today so everyone likes violence. If you push me into a theater to either see Elle Woods or the Terminator I would rather see Elle Woods because I am a PACIFIST and I won't be able to stand dead people. I would rather watch a offensive chick flick than innocent people getting killed. Sad. BUT if you actually push me into a theater and I can choose to anything that's openned I'll choose a cartoon one...they're more unoffensive and unviolent...but I don't think those are such words...hehe. Last night I didn't really have a good 4th of July. It was boring. I was working on my movie review page that I am half addicted to now on the World Wide Web. Siince my mom would only let me to be online for 1 hour today because she is afraid my eyes would crack out I amn really typing this quickly so I can put more on my Angelfire page. The things that's getting my attention is my GUILD, my REVIEW WEBPAGE and MAKING SIMPLE GUILD LAYOUTS for Neopets. *Marcy*

Posted by humanbeing_4 at 1:12 PM EDT

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