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my site that's not like a box of chocolates
Sunday, 6 July 2003
Ah Ha!
Weird title for today huh? Well, I couldn't think of anymore so that's my only choice...hehe. I was watching the show Hot Pick yesterday...sort of boring and there's was quite a few movies on yesterday too. I watched Scream 2. It was very stupid. It was suppose to be scary. I don't know if I even want to see the original Scream if there even is one. Those characters are stupid, and they are not scary, they're completely dim witted. I hated the movie. I really really really really really really really hated it cause it was so stupid. I feel like smashing it. It is about a person in mask catching people to kill and that's stupid. I don't really have much to say about this movie than it's a mess and a wreck like a car crash and it will never be a good movie ever even though Courtney Cox was pretty good. Uh huh...oh yeah, and today there's Independence Day just so you know for all the sci-fi people around. I will be updating this page ALMOST everyday so you can read my entries all this summer. I would probably be busier during the school year, but for now I am open and ready for anything. And if you want to instant message me on AIM, I can be reached by the screen name of Funnypenguin553 and if you don't have AIM, I could be reached by Yahoo! and the screen name for that is obnoxious_intelligence and if you don't have those, I have MSN that I don't go on much which is smileyme26@hotmail.com by my e-mail. If you don't have any of them, just e-mail me at smileyme26@hotmail.com. I'm fine with that. hehe...*Marcy*

Posted by humanbeing_4 at 12:55 PM EDT

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