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my site that's not like a box of chocolates
Monday, 7 July 2003
OK....that's my title for today. Even though this page is very similar to my main page, the difference is that I only write in here ONCE A DAY! I only do it once a day because I like to. It's not my fault I am so busy with that page...hehe. I used to do a lot of webpage on GEOCITIES and MATMICE but then I liked ANGELFIRE better because the file managers were ore effective and stuff. Yesterday I went to see Charlie's Angels: Rise of the Machines. Ok...that was a joke...didn't you think it was funny? Probably not. The bad thing about Charlie's Angels is that too many little kids go and see it, and it's so sexual...sorry, but it is. There's girls not wearing a bra...isn't that inappropriote for little girls? Oh yeah, and in the second one I saw this scene on the commmercial that they're in a strip club. Still, first and second graders shouldn't even see that. It's wrong for them. I don't think it's right so yeah, that's my point. Kids should see kids movies like...umm...*think* I heard Finding Nemo is a good one even though I haven't seen it myself. The only PG13 that looks appropriote for little kids is probably Legally Blonde 2: Red, White, & Blonde because it looks unviolent, unsexual, and you know. BUT it does have bad language. I am not seeing it because of that...:-) Hahaha! I don't like cussing/swearing. It makes the world a WORSE place to live. BAD LANGUAGE is not needed. *Marcy*

Posted by humanbeing_4 at 11:21 AM EDT

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