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my site that's not like a box of chocolates
Tuesday, 8 July 2003
My new subject...lovable isn't it? Of course! Well, look, yesterday art class was fine. I saw this beautiful picture of bunch of flowers in a vase. It was so cool. I had to do some reading/writing/language arts stuff this morning. I finished it pretty early. Oh yeah, and hehe...READ MY MAIN PAGE! Its got all sorts of stuff. Oh yeah, if you haven't been on Neopets before! GO! Be sure to join my guild the -Junk Yard Guild-! Be sure to ignore the name cause I LOVE IT! Well....I don't have much to say now. I can't wait until the first day of school because I will once more be a big weirdo again! Yay! Ok...you can already tell I am not really popular...haha. Funny huh when you stop to think about it. Yup. I'm talking to my friend Jessica now, she likes my MAIN PAGe. See what she said?: lil_princess7225: it looks bice.....ok...she spelt nice wrong but still...she LOVES IT!!!!!!!! haha...*Marcy* (with a name like that, who wants you to be popular? you need a popular name to BE popular.)

Posted by humanbeing_4 at 2:43 PM EDT

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