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my site that's not like a box of chocolates
Thursday, 10 July 2003
My new title: ------ or whatever. OK>>>>>I didn't write in you yesterday right cause I spent the whole day playing on Neopets and trying to get Neopoints and working on my MAIN PAGE. Well, today I am not going to do much on my main page because I feel guilty not writing in you and so...that's it. That's my story. Yesterday I had a weird dream...I forgot what it was. It was something about my pillow case...I think. I forgot, but anyway I am writing in you now. You should be happy that I stored a few of my information in you. You have to share with my MAIN PAGE blog, or else you'll turn out selfish and inconsiderate. Sad huh? Well, try to have a giving heart and this goes to everyone else who is reading this. TRY TO HAVE A GIVING HEART! Yesterday I went to art class and I painted a piece of art work. I named it. It looked quite crazy. I don't even know my art teacher's name...LOL! Well, I am having a rather OK summer, how about you? You don't care don't you? Whatever. *Marcy*

Posted by humanbeing_4 at 1:40 PM EDT

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