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bhemmer.jpg (11896 bytes) Bill Hemmer, CNN Anchor He's just a cutie!! And when he laughs, he's just adorable.
Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN Medical Correspondent and practicing neurosurgeon. He's smart, and easy on the eyes.
tstewart.jpg (22831 bytes) Tony Stewart, NASCAR driver (Home Depot #20) He's the bad boy of NASCAR and a heck of a driver.
jjohnson.jpg (8291 bytes) Jimmie Johnson, NASCAR driver (Lowe's #48) He's the Rookie Sensation. I love him, even though Jeff Gordon is co-owner of his car.
rnewman.jpg (12156 bytes) Ryan Newman, NASCAR driver (Alltell #12) Another awesome rookie!
Elliott Sadler, NASCAR Driver (M&M Candies #38 - I think) This hottie has been added just for Angela :)
John Edward, Psychic Even if you don't believe in him (which I do), he's still easy on the eyes.