Family Photo Album
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A little bit of Angel: Ariel's Place


This is me and my Mommy.  We were both very tired. This is my favorite place to sleep!


This is me and my Daddy.  This was the first time he ever held me!


This is me and my big brother, Julian.  He takes very good care of me.  I like when he rubs my temples that special way that Mommy does, and he kisses my hands.  He's very smart too.  I want to be just like him when I grow up!

Ariel's Christening
100% Perfection

This is me in my Christening Gown.  It has been worn by my Aunt Courtney, Mommy, and Aunt Leah! I think I look the best in it. I'm sure they all will agree!
Below is a photo from when we went to Upstate NY to visit my Grandma and Grandpa.  Grandpa was camera shy.  But here is me and my Grandma!

Me and Grandma Upstate
This is the first time we finally met in person!!

Look at me, I am smiling for the camera! Mommy tried to trim my hair, I told her NEVER  EVER do that again!

Cute as can be