Univrsity of Southern California

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Application Contact:

Annette Loschert
Assistant Dean of Admissions
University of Southern California
Graduate School
of Business Administration
University Park
Los Angeles, California 90089
學生人數 1,120 錄取者GMAT平均 612
女性百分比 28% 錄取者GMAT範圍 500-740
外籍百分比 13% 錄取者GPA平均 3.1
兼職學生 750 錄取者GPA範圍 2.0 - 3.9
平均年齡 28.1 學費(一年) $17,500
錄取率百分比 33% 生活費(一年) $10,000
錄取者註冊率 48% 平均年起薪(美金) $52,100
TEL213-7400669 FAX213-7498520
E MAILuscmba@sba.usc.edu
Randolph W. Westerfield / finance Dennis Draper / commodities
Richard Eastin/managerial economics Ken Merchang / accounting
Mark Zupan / managerial economics Mark Defond / accounting
Walt Blacconiere / accounting Dennis Rook / marketing
Harry DeAngelo / finance Mark Weinstein / finance

What makes the USC MBA Program unique? There are many reasons for this recognition. Let's us take about two: its real-world focus and its heritage of innovation and change. To ensure that the program reflects the way business is conducted beyond the walls of university, we are in constant contact with our alumni who are working in virtually every sector of business and constitute one of the largest networks of any business school in the world.
Dr. Randolph Westerfield,
Dean Graduate School of Business Administration University of Southern California

過去,南加大B-School給人的刻板印象是軟性的(soft),其特長在組織行為(Organizational Behavior),每年製造大批人事經理(Human Resources Manager)。但自從華頓學院財務系系主任Randolph W. Westerfield來此坐鎮,當上教務長之後,人們先前的刻板印象開始改觀。

美國管理教育界領導能力(leadership)大宗師 WarrenBennis(目前任教USC MAB)說得最好:『我們已掌握了未來(期貨?):The future is in our bones.』。無論是未來(the future)還是期貨(the future),今日的南加大已經都能將這兩者掌握得恰到好處。


南加大B-School的選修課一開就是一百七十門,光是會計的領域就開了將近五十門。除了 MBA 學位,它還授予會計碩士和財稅碩士。南加大商學院大學部的學生超過兩千人,碩士班的學生也超過一千人(只有三百五十名是全職的)。在有限的校地中,屬於商學院的建築就有三棟大樓。近年來研究生已經不用再和兩千名大學部學生擠在同一棟大樓內,搶用有限的資源了。因此無論在軟體還是硬體上,今日的USC MBA在全美top 40 B-School中,都算得上是重量級的。

第二年的學生開始選修。在將近二十個主修領域中,你只要在某一個領域內修滿四門課,就取得那個領域的主修,所以畢業的時後大多數的學生都可以取得兩、三個主修的資格。位在美國第一大都會區洛杉磯,南加大B-School提供許多特殊的主修:Business EntertainmentBusiness EntrepreneurshipReal Estate、和Technology Management等。九四年的畢業生有十分之一進了媒體與娛樂工業(media/entertainment),同樣百分比的人選擇了電子與高科技行業(electronics/high tech)。

長久以來,南加大在亞洲地區建立了不錯的聲望,也織出堅強的校友網路。當然,在『成名』的過程中,免不了也沾惹上一些負面的形象和不利的傳言。不論如何,USC MBA確也堅守住『明日之星』的崗位,數十年如一日,屹立不搖。難怪許多以加州為第一考量的亞洲學生,在『史丹佛』無緣、『UC BerkeleyUCLA』無望了之後,立刻轉向USC MBA。畢竟,只要穩坐加州 B-Schools的第四把交椅,南加大『明日之星』的光芒,就依然璀燦耀眼。


USC was my first choice among MBA Programs. The applicable and pragmatic content of the program assured me that I could use and apply what I learned in class once I was in the workplace. The diversity of the City of Los Angeles, in terms of culture and scope, was a big attraction, as was USC's strong alumni network.

For a real-world business education, no one can top USC. Having thoroughly investigated MBA programs across the nation, I found that USC is on the leading edge of innovative curriculum design and business research. However, what really compelled me to choose the USC MBA was its reputation for academic excellence in both the "hard" and "soft" aspects of business. Though tomorrow's managers need to know how to effectively crunch the numbers, they also need to know how to effectively manage and motivate people. Those factors, along with the intimate class size, combined to make USC the right choice for me.

As an Asian who would like to act as a liaison between the American and Asian markets, I have found that the Los Angeles area is the place to work and USC is the school to attend. Also, USC alumni have a great reputation in Asia. They have been very successful in attaining top positions in leading companies. It all adds up to make USC the choice for me.

Getting an MBA in spite of cultural differences has been a big challenge for me. I still remember how nervous I was at first, but I soon found that teamwork is a key concept at USC. This cooperative atmosphere really helped me to get into activities both inside and outside the classroom. In addition to learning American business ways, I was able to contribute from my own business experience in Japan. Learning from each other in this way will help all of us to better work together in the global business environment of the future.

This school is a complete sham. I am no more employable than I was when I came here. The school nickel-and-dimes students to death over little $25 to $35 charges, and wonders why you don't want to contribute as alumni. The teaching is awful -- half the faculty don't speak English well enough to teach grade school, and most are so wrapped up in their own petty research -- which they teach as gospel -- that they have no time for teaching things that are important.
