Tuesday, June 26, 2001

so..i'm back in Irvine :) It's weird how different places can make you feel something. When I went home it was weird and now that I'm down here again, it's still weird. I think part of it is the fact that I haven't had a permanant place to stay that lasted longer than a year. But yeah, back to the way places make you feel, I was home and it was funny how certain summer smells made me remember things from past summers and people and events. The smell of warm summer nights and with a slight breeze on your already warm skin and being with the same people from past summers.. but new ones too. It's like a whole time warp where different time periods come colliding into each other all at once. Only no one else feels it but you, because it's all in your own mind, your own perceptions of memories from before... kind of nice..when it's a happy memory, kind of scary too.. if the memory isn't a good one.