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Harper's Tale - Sunday, August 04, 2002, 7:25 PM

The Flying Mug
A few shades too bright for the lighting to ever be called quite dim, the interior of the Flying Mug reveals upon closer inspection the marks of a much-frequented bar. Although the tables all match and the chairs are of a set, one or seven chairs have a wobbly leg, a few tabletops have big gashes across them, and each surface has an intricate pattern of turn-old mug rings. A well stocked, well polished and well maintained bar stretches across the expanse of the wall, facing the series of shuttered windows looking out on the courtyard. The bar stools are better maintained than the chairs, with low backs. And they spin, too! An intricate 'mural' covers the ceiling and there's a 'note' on the wall.
High in the rafters are twenty-one firelizards.
You see ooc note and Bartender Lem here.
Yatyl, Illia, Graiham, Alain, Mynd, and Mirella are here.
Obvious exits:
Dining Hall     Great Hall

You stand in the rather rambunctious Flying Mug.

You see Illia glance your way.

Alain glances at Graiham, again, blinking in surprise at the boy's order to 'hush' and seeming so taken aback by it, in fact, that he actually complies. The mug of klah is sipped from a few times, though Alain's glance returns sidelongly to Graiham's face in sheer befuddlement.

Mynd continues playing, humming softly along with the melody that he plays, bringing it up a bit louder once he gets into it a little, fingers flowing freely over the stings. The melody might be familiar to some.. A few.. Well..alright..one person. But oh well. Lips twitch upward in a tiny smile as he continues.

Mirella sits quietly sipping her juice in a corner, she looks up to see Liesana enter. She waves to her friend, whom she hasn't seen in way too long.

Hey. There's a Harper playing free music. Graiham, the Apprentice who probably doesn't often get luxuries such as this, would have to be a bigger fool than he already is to not pay attention to the treat. To that end, he's pretty much oblivious to Alain's bemusement.

Yatyl holds the kitten as if it was his and nods to Mynd. "Oh.. sure. why not. I hear kittens attract girls anyway." He grins impishly and winks at Mynd for a moment before looking over at Alain at Graiham. Weren't they cute together. He sits up straight as he holds the kitten, not wanting to squish it between his stomache and the back of the chair he was straddling. He watches the other enter the mug and nods at them, but lets his eyes rest on Mynd as he plays.

Liesana appears in the doorway of the Mug, temporarily without either paperwork or apprentices trailing behind her, and apparently intending to make the most of such rare good luck. Ears perk as the young Master spots Mynd, a former mentee, and a grin is flashed in his direction before Mirella's wave steals her attention. Stealing a glass off wine off a passing tray, and reaching over to poke at Alain in passing, she strolls over to join her friend. "Long time no see, you," she teases, taking a chair.

Alain tears his eyes away from Graiham as Illia mutters something to him which draws a broad grin to his lips and a slight shrug from his shoulders. His gaze goes around the table again, catching Graiham, again before ending finally on Mynd as the healer continues to play. After a moment he slumps a little more in his chair, a puzzling, pondering look on his face, though he's apparently listening to the music as well.

Illia hums a little counter point to the melody. Not intending intrusion simply wanting to be a part of the creation.

Tornado glides with a wondrous grace in from the great hall.

Mynd lifts his lashes just a bit, blue-violet gaze falling on Yatyl for a moment as he plays, smiling softly at the Steward. Yeah. He'd /better/ know what this melody is. Sniff. Still, the harper looks pleased, if a little bashful at Liesana's entrance. Meep. Playing in front of his former mentor now too! Self-consciousness on the rise! He does play for a little bit longer though, fingertips gliding in a practiced manner over the strings as the melody rises to a strong point, then fades away slowly, palms touching the strings to silence them.

Yatyl watches the secret go from Illia to Alain and raises an eyebrow. He smirks a little and pets the kitten gently. He raises an eyebrow as Illia takes to humming next, and ponders the melody she's coming up with. He looks over to Mynd's face for a moment, for a rather long stare, before looking down at the cat, over at Liesana and then to Alain and Graiham once more. Interesting... "So.. what was it called again, Mynd?"

Illia sighs softly then smiles, "Oh... that was wonderful." she murmers.
Illia glances up at Yatyl, eyes equally questioning then grins mischieviously.

Graiham has the sense to lean forward and set down his mug before he applauds appreciatively for Mynd - clap, clap, clap. "There. That's a good excuse for why I won't have my notes copied," he mutters, picking up the scrolls he came in with and shoving them a little carelessly into his pockets as he stands. "Yatyl, sir, thank you for the drink."

Illia watches the handsome healer make ready to leave with a touch or regret. "Congragulations again." she offers with a wave.

Liesana notes Mynd's reaction to her arrival, and flicks a casual little 'Be Easy' sort of hand gesture in his direction, along with a warm smile. As the younger Harper ends his song, she calls over a fond "Nicely done, kiddo." from her seat by Mirella. Illia's interest in the music is noted, but the woman seems more inclined to lurk casually than make excessive social noises at the moment.

Graiham, apparently the "handsome healer" (though that depends entirely on who you ask), waves back to Illia and says, "Thanks. Good luck with the whole Harper thing." Ah, yes. What a way with words! On that note, he heads out of the Mug, talking to himself about taking hours to get his notes in order and not wasting his time in the future, sigh.

You see Illia glance your way.
Graiham strolls through a door into the great hall.

Yatyl was a sir now! Hurrah! "Hey, no problem, Graiham. Anything for a newly promoted." He grins and winks. "If I see you again, i'll try and come up with something a touch more interesting than a glass of juice for a congradulation." He nods and waves to Graiham as he leaves. Illia is looked at next and he smirks as he raises an eyebrow. "Something you want to share with the whole group? I'm afraid Mynd's not very good with accepting compliments, so while you have him here, you might as well pour out your heart. I doubt he'll ever let you do it with him alone."

Alain's chair thunks back onto all four legs as Graiham abruptly stands, and he blinks after the younger boy, completely at a loss for words at his sudden disappearance. And if you thought this was odd for Alain--you'd be right. He gapes for a minute, mouth moving open and closed not unlike a fish, then he just settles for stunned silence.

Illia is amused with Yatyl and her brown eyes dance, "I do think Mynd knows the worth of his work. I'd dare say he played out his very heart in that piece." she notes glancing between the pair. Alain gets a smile as well. "You don't look well healer. Do you need a turn in the evening air?" she offers ever so politely.

Alain eyes Illia a bit warily--likely due to what ever it was that encouraged concern on his part when Graiham mentioned his group of star-struck followers. "I...I'm not feeling particularly well, but I think I'll just sit for a while, thanks." he adds, a bit of a nod going in Illia's direction before his gaze returns somewhat blankly to Mynd and Yatyl.

"Try peppermint tea." advises Liesana from her seat with her wine. Mirella apparently in a pensive mood, the harper woman has decided to add interjections into the main conversation now and again, while continuing to perch casually on her chair.

Mirella goes home.

Mynd is still blushing just a little bit before glancing at Yatyl. Title? Huff. Really now, for Yatyl to ask such a thing. He should know this! "It's called Heart to Heart, Yatyl." Lashes remain lowered a little bit as he sets the harp down, and reaches his hands out a little to take the kitty back from the steward. Yes. Still blushy!

Alain shoots a glance toward Liesana and his face immediately brightens, "Harper!" He's out of his seat in a moment, despite the previous claim to faintness, and strides over to offer his hand to the woman. "Good to see you again. It's been...a while." he settles hesitantly on the last. Of course, his strong suit isn't words as would be expected of a Harper...oh no, as a healer, he's much better with his hands. *cough*

Yatyl blinks.. she was trying to take Alain away from the table now! Shards. The boys hardly ever gathered anymore. Conversations were so much more interesting with both Alain and Mynd around. He looks hurt then blinks up at Illia. "You trying your hand at matchmaking? I suppose that is a recognized profession, but I don't think Mynd's and my 'relationship' is going to get any more intimate because you and Alain might leave us alone." He grins then sighs as he notices Alain's palor. "or.. maybe whiskey?" He grins, copying Liesana's example sort of. "It would be medicinal, therefore ok?" He hands the kitten back to Mynd and feigns ignorance. "Ahh.. yes.. Heart to heart. Lovely tune. I think Illia harmonized well, don't you?"

Illia blinks then blushes, having been so easily caught. "One does what one can." she notes softly. Finding her cup empty she waves to Lem hopefully and the good man brings another to her.

Mynd tilts his head, blush only brightening a little for a few moments at the talk of matchmaking. He does almost giggle though at Yatyl's comment though, giving a short nod. "He's right though..I doubt we'll ever be more intimate.." More intimate than what though? Really, there's been no comparison. Still, having the feline back, fingers slowly scratch behind the animal's ears.

"My, what a miraculous recovery," notes Liesana with a smirk, taking the offered hand in a quick clasp before waving Alain to a seat with her free one. "And it's been a while indeed. Staying out out of more trouble at Healer than you did at Smith, kid?" she queries. Apparently Liesana's in a mood to call anyone more than 5 turns her junior 'kid'. Yatyl's suggestion of medicinal whiskey gets a quick grin, before she returns her focus to her own table.

Tornado glides with a wondrous grace through a door into the great hall.

Illia finds herself watching the little white ball of fluff. A smile touches her lips again, "I think you are spoiling your little friend." she notes.

Alain waves a hand dismissively to Yatyl, suddenly unable to remember what had unbalanced him so in the first place, and shakes his head as he drops to the proffered seat. "I have had the strangest day. Nobody told me that the High Reaches Weyrleader is so young." he says, not bothering to add 'and handsome' to the end of the statement. "And then this girl tried to commit suicide in front of me--practically--and then insisted that I had threatened her...and then, just now--" he breaks off. "Well, I don't remember what happened just now, but it was weird, I can promise you that." As for being called kid, well, he takes it in stride--seeing as he tends to reffer to others in the same way on occassion.

Ellora walks in from the great hall.

Illia stretches despite herself. She's been sitting a long time.

Mynd blinks somewhat, then laughs, nodding as he cuddles the feline in his lap. "She's always been spoiled. But I adore her anyway."

"Mmmhmm...?" is Liesana's comment, sipping her wine and letting Alain ramble on until he runs down. Whereupon she manages to get a reply together. "Zi'n is the 'Reaches Weyrleader now, right...?" she muses. "I've not really seen him, but I know that G'deon, his predecessor, is my age." And handsome.

Illia grins to herself listening to Alain and the other harper. She seems amused though she hides a bit of it by taking a sip of juice.

Yatyl sighs and leans forward onto the table infront of him, the back of the chair digging into his chest as he does so. He picks up his mug of ale and empties it before waving it around over his head. "LEm! I'm dry! Oh.. I don't know if I can handle it. Please.. please.. Please fill me up again?" HE grins and waits on the barkeep while his eyes shift from Mynd to Illia. Alain's ignored for the time being. He left the table, and Yatyl thought it rude to shout across the room. "So.. Illia. What did you think? Did Mynd's music seduce you into wanting to become a harper?"

Alain nods, "Zi'n, that's right." he replies somewhat blithely, taking a gulp of his own klah and glancing toward the door, then back to Liesana, and then freezing, his eyes widening. He doesn't look at the door, again, but his head drops forward into one hand and he heaves a sigh. "Oh Faranth." is muttered under the healer's breath, and he sinks a little further into his seat. "This just keeps getting better and better." he mutters overtly sarcastically.

Ellora shuffles into the Flying Mug, a sweetstick pressed into the corner of her mouth. A small pot, a large-leafed plant still in its early stages of growth reaching out from the soil, is carefully carried in the curve of her elbow.

Mynd blinks rapidly for a moment, almost squeaking before he gets himself under control. Yes, he /can/ manage to keep himself from blushing at times. Slowly, he looks at Yatyl again, a brow lifting. "Well I certainly wasn't /trying/ to seduce anyone. Are you saying that I'm naturally seductive?" Flutter. Hee.

Liesana's right eyebrow twitches up at Alain's mutter to himself, sharp Harper ears combining with the fact that she's at the same table as him to let her overhear. "Care to illuminate your baffled seatmate...?" she queries, twitching the eyebrow again before repairing to her drink.

Illia smiles very sweetly, "I wanted to be a harper before I ever med Mynd he's only confirmed my desires." she teases a little. "It was kind of you to let me toy with your harp though." she adds more sincerely. "I do hope you will be good enough to instruct me at some point. I'd like to learn how to make it sing as you do."

"Just...hide me." Alain murmurs, making no move to hide in actuality--although the underside of the table is just a duck away. It is certainly not fear which prompts his blase comment, judging by the sarcasm in his tone, but the roll of his eyes and the gutteral sigh indicate that it's something more than he's prepared to deal with. "What good does it do to study dead people if you can't just join them willingly--or add to their ranks with ease?" he mutters, something of a dark growl in his voice.

Illia glances up at the object of Alain's distress and gives Ellora a welcoming smile.

Ellora doesn't even pay note to the crowd gathered in the Mug except to shuffle through it to the bar. The plant is settled gently on the surface as she climbs up onto a stool to be sure that she's noticed. She makes a softly spoken request and tenderly runs her fingers over the leaves of her plant while she waits.

Yatyl grins merrily and eyes Mynd both mischeviously and evenly. "I'd say yes. With your good looks and natural charm, its a wonder the women don't beat your door down." He looks over at Illia and grins some more. "and now she wants private lessons." he raises an eyebrow and shrugs a bit. "EH.. but what do I know about a man's attractive qualities. I'm male myself." He grabs the refilled mug of ale from Lem as soon as he brings it over, chugging some down and making eyes at Lem. "with Every mug you bring me, Lem... you're looking more and more attractive. Wanna.. go somewhere after work?" he grins cheekily then looks around the table again, nodding to Ellora.

Mynd simply lifts a brow at Yatyl for a moment. Yeah..they /could/ beat his door down, but in order to do that, they'd have to also beat someone else's door down in the process.. BLINK. The comment to Lem gets a /stare/ from the Harper, mouth falling open a little bit. Blink..pout. Yep. Mynd-pout time. Someone's going to regret that remark later.. Cough.

Illia grins at Yatyl, "What makes one attractive is not restricted to sex." she notes far more sagely than her 13 turns of age. "It is in a person's essence."

"You're being rather irritatingly cryptic, Alain." notes Liesana lightly, sipping her drink and flashing the odd glance in Illia's direction as it becomes more and more apparent that the girl is a prospective recruit for Harpering. But Mynd seems to have that angle covered, so the Master just sits back and watches. "Legal specialists might enjoy puzzling things out for a living, but /really/. Now, either you're being swooned over, or you've made yourself another enemy to spar with, from the tone you're taking. Care to confirm my hypothesis?"

Kryz walks in from the great hall.

Illia blinks at the appearance of yet another harper, and a handsome one at that.

Alain's eyes move slowly--as though forcing their way against Alain's very will--in Ellora's direction, before snapping back to the mug in his hands. "Oh Faranth." he mutters, again, and then adds, "Faranth forbid. If I get one more admirer--" he breaks off, glancing toward the girl at the bar again and heaving a frustrated sigh. "Gawds Liesana, what in Faranth's name -is- it about me?" he demands, shifting to his feet so abruptly that the chair skitters noisily backwards a pace or two. He holds his arms out from his sides and turns in a little circle. "I look pretty normal to me--is it just the fact that I'm male, or is there some darker force at work that draws them like a pack of blood-thirsty canines?" he demands, voice rising a bit with a hint of hysteria in it.

Yatyl raises an eyebrow and looks straight at Mynd as his expression changes. "Enough play time, Mynd?" Suddenly, he's sober and somewhat sensative. He straightens up and smiles at the harper lad. "I can stop if you want." He doesn't even notice what Illia is saying. His attention is solely on Mynd now, and hoping to get a bit more of a smile out of him. He does sigh and looks over to Illia once more. "Eh, You're partially wrong. A great deal of people place sex on the top of their list of priorities in a potential lover. You have to be able to imagine yourself with that person and whatever gender they may be, before the essence is even considered."

Kryz walks into the mug, his hands full with the normal sketchpad and drawings that this particular harper is never seen without. He glances around at the rather busy room as if looking for someone in particular. His eyes fall on a certain master as he glances towards the ground and then approaches the table where Liesana sits. He doesn't say anything, not wanting to interrupt, but he looks rather uncomfortable at the topic that he walked in on.

Ellora sighs as, with the receipt of her drink, she's shooed away from the bar. She swivels on her seat just far enough that she can slip to her feet without having to navigate the counter, her drink in one hand and the plant once again tucked into the crook of her elbow. The quick sweep of her gaze across the room, in that moment, drifts over her earlier tormentor. If she hadn't seen him, his voice lifted in demand would certainly have drawn her attention his way. She drops her eyes with a slight, disturbed frown, and quickly makes her way past the group including Alain towards a seat of her own.

Illia opens her mouth as if she is going to make a smart remark but the blush simply fills her face first. "I... I will have to deferr to your more worldly exploits." she says and quickly takes a sip of juice.

Liesana laces her fingers together above her wineglass, now resting on the table, and looks vaguely considering. "Well, if you ask me, Alain" she comments. "It's probably partially because you're gay." Harpers may be eloquent, but occasionally Liesana enjoys being more straightforward. " Another reason is that you don't /want/ attention. In both cases, it's a forbidden attractant..." The young Master trails off as she sees a somewhat painfully familiar face enter the pub. "Hello, Kryz," she murmurs at last, face a study of conflicting emotions escaping past her usual Jolly Harper persona. "Um... have a seat?"

Mynd just frowns a moment longer, before sighing, letting out a soft smile for Yatyl, nodding. "Enough playing.." Yes. Ahem.

Kryz nods quickly at and takes a seat, setting his armload in front of him on the table. "Hey," he says quietly and forces a small smile in Lies direction. He sits there, silent for a little while before asking, just as quietly, "Sorry, I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"

Yatyl nods and smiles at Mynd and looks over at Illia. "Worldly exploits now? Hmm." HE grins at Mynd and waggles his eyebrows. "I've got world exploits. Aren't you proud?" He gives Illia a side glance before looking to Mynd once more. "And to think, you've taught me everything I know." He blinks over at Liesana and Alain .. and now Kryz for a moment and raises an eyebrow. "Liesana.. you really shouldn't announce that to the whole mug. You'll only make matters worse." He wasn't really teasing, but there was a hint of that in his voice.

Alain blinks at Liesana, then catches sight of Ellora out of the corner of his eye, then blinks down at Kryz as he sits down. He stands silently for a moment, peering between the two Harpers in his little corner of the world, and then murmurs, "I think the more appropriate question would be, am -I- interrupting something." With that said, he snatches his mug of klah, inclining his head slightly to the two, and slipping away from the table, mercilessly leaving Liesana and Kryz to their own devices. The problem with that? There's only one place left to go--and he appropriates a chair for himself at...dun dun duuuuun...Ellora's table. He pulls the chair out, dropping into it somewhat noisily, and putting his mug on the table with a thump and not so much as a 'by your leave' or a 'pardon me.'

Illia sits for a moment, teeth worrying her lower lip as she tries to sort all this out. There is that sinking feeling that there is more going on here than she is keeping up with... "I do hope you'll excuse me?" she says to Yatyl rising to her feet. That little crease has returned between her brows. "I hope to meet youagain under less, um.." she pauses gazing at Mynd mouth open but nothing coming out. "Good evening harper." she offers at last and makes a retreat to the door.

"Tsk, eavesdropping on conversations, Yatyl?" clucks Liesana, her tone of merry teasing suddenly picked up again as she calls over to the steward. The levity drops as soon as she turns back to Kryz, however, a deep wariness in her eyes instead. Cautiously, remembering the tone of their /last/ conversation, she replies to him that "It was just a little small talk, of sorts... Is there Harper business you need me for." After all, that's the only thing he said they'd ever speak to each other about. A token of Liesana's unsettlement is the fact that she doesn't even acknowledge Alain's departure.

Mynd blushes quite a bit at that, fidgiting slightly before he stands up. Oh dear. Blushy embarassed Harper! He does offer a tiny grin at Yatyl before dashing off, fingers waving faintly for the rest.

Mynd walks with silent footsteps through a door into the great hall.
Illia walks through a door into the great hall.

Ellora glances up with a start as Alain drops into a chair at her table. Her cheeks flushed as though caught in an intimate moment, she lowers her gaze to focus on the table in front of her. She takes a sip from her drink and swallows quickly. When she realizes that Alain is not about to leave, she frowns, and reaches out for her plant, fingering the leaves and sifting gently through the soil.

Kryz stares at the table in front of him not really showing any emotion for the time. He runs a hand through his hair. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare everyone away," he says fidgeting with his sketchpad. There's an awkward silence before he answers her question, "um.. no Harper business. I just... um... I never congratulated you on your promotion, did I?"

Alain isn't about to leave. He came for klah, and by gum, he's going to drink it! So he does. Drink it. The whole think. In three gulps. He remains silent for a full minute...or four...before muttering, "Didn't go throwing yourself off anything else, I take it." My, what a stunning conversationalist he seems to be this evening!

Liesana's wineglass must be really, really interesting, if how hard she's staring at it is any indication. Another long silence, from the harper woman this time, before she ventures a quiet "At our last meeting... I wasn't left with the impression that you'd... care to do that." Time for another painfully drawn out pause, before she risks looking up at the Journeyman, venturing a simple. "Thank you."

Ellora sighs, annoyance apparent in the frown once again tugging at the corners of her lips. Still, neither does she look at him nor reply. She takes another quick sip and swallow of her drink, continuing to lavish attention on her plant. With the intensity of her concentration on the thing, it's possible to believe that she's actually thinking at it.

Ellora recieves a frown from Alain for her lack of reply. He was -trying- to make polite conversation, you know. Ahem. He remains silent for a moment, before snorting softly with amusement, "Good thing for you--I'm the one that handles cause of death, you know, so you'd have been -sure- to run into me again, if you had."

Yatyl relaxes as Mynd makes his exit.. followed by Illia, and shakes his head as he slumps forward at the table again. "'Course I'm eavesdropping on other peoples conversations, Liesana. Its all I have to do right now." He grins to himself, and doesn't even look at Liesana as he addresses her, because he realizes that perhaps she's a bit occupied now. Alain is given a cursory glance as he speaks up. No wonder he was gay. He has.. a way.. with the women.

Ellora looks up, her face a humorless mask. She stares at Alain for a moment, her gaze not even searching, then turns her attention back to her plant with a sigh. Her chin lifts and she replies, "I know how to climb." She follows that with another drink.

Kryz lets out a quick sigh and glances over at the master. "Yeah.. well.. Look, I wanted to say I was sorry, ok?" He stares at her another second then looks back down and repeats, "sorry." He then quickly gathers his things and stands and mutters," I dunno why I came here.. I can't talk in this place." He then turns back to Liesana with a another forced grin and says, "Looks like I scared away your table for no reason." Then turns and heads out the door.

Alain's look goes blank at Ellora's remark and he just stares at her for a moment. Finally he rolls his eyes, "What is that, a threat? You're going to climb into my bunk some night and stab me to death?" Note the sarcasm dripping from his words. "You know what you are? You're like those little creatures that bite and hold on." No pun intended of course. "You don't really do any physical harm, you just annoy people until they -wish- they were dead."

Lu-nar slithers in from the shadows from ::between::
Kryz walks through a door into the great hall.

Liesana's face is a study in several conflicting emotions at Kryz's quiet apology and departure. Mistrust, hope, doubt, faith all find their place and then whirl away before they can be properly examined, before a stern mental chiding of herself causes the Master to draw upon training in both Acting and Court Law and compose her expression to one that's simply unrevealing, taking a long pull of her wineglass, and debating whether or not to follow after him.

Yatyl raises an eyebrow as he watches Alain and Ellora converse, and only perks up when Kryz walks out the door. He turns and looks at the harper master before glancing over at Alain's table for a moment longer before looking over at Liesana. "Yo.. You ok?" He turns and looks over at her, trying to give her a slightly encouraging look. "Can't help but notice your company has left you."

Ellora winces at the description of herself and looks down again. She goes to take another drink and finds that her glass is empty. "Healers don't hurt people," she replies softly and turns in her chair, preparing to go elsewhere.

Alain raises an eyebrow as Ellora moves to rise, but makes no attempt to stop her. "You should have reminded yourself of that today before you gave me this." he replies, raising his hand to display a half-circle of bruises encompassing two of his fingers and a healthy part of his hand.

Ellora blushes, pale features suddenly lighting up with a flood of crimson. "I'm sorry. You grabbed me," she replies, her voice getting softer with each response. She drags her plant back into her embrace and rises.

Alain shrugs lightly, almost carelessly, and lowers his hand as he replies, "You were going to jump out of a tree." He raises his mug to his lips again, only to find it empty, and set it back down on the table.

Liesana sighs slightly, and gives Yatyl a wry smile. "Is it that obvious?" she queries rhetorically, before patting a chair at her table. "Well, to tell you the truth, I'm not sure. I'd been hoping I'd hear those words from him for over a turn, now. And now I have, and... I don't know where to go from here. I'm going to go talk with him in a bit but... It's... disconcerting."

"I know how to climb," Ellora replies once again, voice almost imperceptibly quiet, then shuffles to the bar to deposit her glass on the counter before exiting the Mug.

Ellora walks through a door into the great hall.

Alain watches the girl go, and then stretches his legs out in front of him, clasping his hands behind his back and emitting a heavy sigh. He remains that way for exactly twelve seconds before he shifts out of his seat and side-steps, pushing his chair in at the same time and striding toward the door with a wave over his shoulder, "Going to bed. Night Liesana. Night Steward. Thanks for the klah." And *poof* he disappears.
Alain walks through a door into the great hall.

Yatyl wrinkles his nose as everyone seems to drive up their company away. He started it. He rises and journeys over to Liesana's table. "Of course its obvious. I just try to invite myself in to conversations with people on simple tones." He sighs as he slouches into a seat. "You want to talk about it, or would you rather be grossly distracted." He takes a long draw from his ale mug and smiles at Liesana. "I'm up for anything. I can even cuddle.. with out worry of any sort of physical attraction."

Liesana smiles. "Not a lot to talk about, that hasn't already been passed around by drudges months ago. Kryz and I were a couple. I screwed up quite badly, and then asked forgiveness. He... didn't take it well. We fought. The end, and I spent a sevenday eating cookies and drinking heavily. He's apologized now..." She trails off and spread her hands, then drains the last of her wine. "And I think I need to go talk with him shortly... I do believe that lass over there could use a friend, though. And if things go badly in my /own/ talk, I might just need a cuddle." she offers wryly.

Yatyl raises an eyebrow. "Ah. Yes. That thing with Andron. One does tend to know things when one lives next door to the Lord Warder." No. He didn't hear things. The walls were plenty thick. "Well, you know where to find me. Mynd gives excellent foot massages, and I can hold you while we talk." He smiles sweetly. "Unless of course, you don't want two people to cuddle you, then I can just leave you and Mynd alone." That would perhaps be the best way to avoid any sort of suspicion. "Good luck with your conversation, and I probably won't have to hear from you at all today."

That's good, that he didn't hear things. Liesana, craftbred, would be mortified otherwise. "I'll... see how it goes," she offers with a little smile. "And I really hope you're right." And with that, and a squeeze to Yatyl's shoulder as she rises, the Harper Master strides off, her step perhaps just a /tad/ less sure than usual.

You pass through a door into the great hall.
You stand in the enormous great hall of Ista Hold.
You walk through an archway into the Harper's crafthall.
You stand in the Harper's main room.
You head through the sliding doors to the east and into the Artists' Workshop.

Artists' Workroom
The first really noticable things in this room are the four oversized wooden worktables. Each of these is lined with wooden stools for the artists to work at. A large set of cabinets and counters line the four wall everywhere except at the door. These are strewn with paints, pencils, paper and all sorts of other things. Small stands site about the room with works in progressed and finished works alike, giving the room a very welcoming feel.
On the perch is a bronze firelizard.
Kryz is here.
Obvious exits:
Main Hall

Liesana slips into the Workshop a bit hesitantly, but looking a little less wary than earlier. "Hey," she comments quietly, moving to settle herself on a stool, just like old times. "How have you been, lately?"

Kryz looks up from where he stands in front of a table full of new canvas. He stares at Lieasana a minute then shrugs... and to him that answers the question. "How have you been?" he asks quietly.

Liesana shrugs as well, and settles for a simple. "Busy... But surviving all right, I guess." She falls silent again, eyeing the canvas, before asking "Is that for a new series of paintings?" in the same quiet tone.

Kryz nods. "Yeah." He stares at the canvas then goes back to folding it. "I was thinking about a landscape series... I've been doing a lot of portraits lately I wanted a change."

"I still have that Keroon landscape you gave me when I made Journeyman," reveals Liesana, perhaps a little shyly. "It's over my hearth, in my room. It... reminds me of home. And of the friend who painted it for me." She trails off, perhaps worried that she's said too much for this tentative truce. Backpedalling, she finishes with an inane little "You'd do well with a landscape series."

Kryz glances back over at Liesana, his eyes slightly misted over. "Lies... I'm so sorry. I've missed you," he says before bitting his lip as if to stop him from saying anything else.

"I missed you too." admits Liesana in a rush. "I've missed you so much that it tore me up inside. I'm so sorry I hurt you, Kryz. I'm sorry that I pushed you into a relationship before you were ready, I'm sorry that I was too much of an idiot to wait for you... Can we just... go back to being friends?" she asks, hopeful. "Like back before you ever went to 'Reaches, when we were just a couple of crazy kids." And then she trails off into silence again, this one the most painfully wary of all. 'Cause this is /really/ a lot to say at once.

Kryz smiles slightly and nods his head, "I think...I think we can try that." He wipes his eyes before the dampness can turn into real tears. He then sets down the canvas and walks over to where Liesana is sitting and sits in one of the stools next to her. He reaches his hand out and hesitates a second before he lays it on top of hers. "I'm sorry too. For treating you the way I have... "

Liesana's hand clasps Kryz's firmly, as if she's not planning to let go any time soon. "You were totally allowed to do that, Kryz. By the Egg, man, I treated you about as badly as I've ever treated anyone... I mean, about the only thing I did right was to tell you myself." she assures, having had time to come to terms with her failings and learn from them over the past turn and a half. She stays silent a moment, and then reaches over to give Kryz a hug. "I missed you so much." she repeats again, her own voice sounding a little choked up.

Kryz wraps his arms around Lies and returns the hug, his hand running over her back as he does so. "I missed you too," he whispers to her as he leans his head against hers. "No one else around here ever has any good Benden," he jokes, trying to lighten the mood.

Liesana laughs, sighs, laughs again, and then just lets herself lean up against Kryz, like a runnerbeast with a grooming partner. "I always knew you were in it for the wine," she quips in return, before sighing again, letting about nine months of tension bleed out of her spine slowly. "But really, how have you been? I missed not popping in here and disturbing you whenever I didn't have class."

Joyful blinks in from ::between::!
Joyful suddenly disappears ::between::!

Kryz shrugs. "It's been lonely. I have the appies but as for actual friends I can talk to... they're getting slimmer and slimmer. Anjula's visited a few times. I've stopped her from going to kill you sevreal times," he adds in a joking tone, though knowing Anjula this might not have been a joke.

Liesana nods. "Tell me about it," she comments wryly. "With every one of our old crowd baing ranking Harpers and posted off to Faranth-knows-where, it's hard to keep in touch..." She trails off to give Kryz a bit of a grin. "Thanks for that... she probably /would/ try, and I'm afraid I've got the skills to fight back now, and I don't like doing that... you probably heard about Kurt and the Bitrans," she comments.

Jolly blinks in from ::between::!

Kryz nods. "I heard bits and pieces. You know how it is around here. You can't trust anything anyone says and you'll get five different stories for four different people.

A legal-specialist apprentice whining from the doorway gets Liesana's attention, and with a wry grin, she jerks her head towards the door and stands, giving Kryz a hug, and a quick kiss on the cheek. "Duty calls, like usual. But... it's good to have my best friend back," she says simply, clearing her throat before padding off to see what the apprentice wants. "I'll visit again soon."

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