



bulletThe Harper Biographies
bulletTips for Stablehands:
bulletPhysical Therapy: An Introductory Guide:

Other Stuff:

bulletCharacter Sketch Gallery:

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The Biographies of the HT Harper Craft:

You see a large book, resting on a table in front of you.  It is bound in a deep chestnut leather, with pages of cream-coloured parchment.  Were you to examine the cover and spine, you would  find the title "Histories of the Istan Harpercraft ~ Middle Tenth Pass" embossed into the leather, and accented with gold leaf.  But the book lies open to the beginning page, which you begin to read... 

Written within these pages, the gentle reader shall find the stories of the members of the Istan Harpercraft, during the middle of the Tenth Pass of the Red Star, may the Dragonriders always preserve us.

To provide a record of the lives of the Craft members, this book of histories was produced, in the hopes that future readers shall be able to see we Harpers of the Tenth Pass as we truly were: normal people, with our triumphs and failures, happiness and sadness, hopes and dreams, and the daily challenges that face all mankind.

Within these pages, you will find the fruit of many month's labour; researching, interviewing, paraphrasing and scribing, all done in the hope that this humble attempt at recording the present will allow scholars of the future a more intimate look into the past...

* OOC note*  These histories should be considered the property of the character's player, so make sure you check with them before using them on your website, etc. Any pictures accompanying these histories were drawn by Kryz, as part of his Journeyman's Project, so make sure to check with him before using them. Also, there would IC-ly be a lot more histories than the dozen or so that are here, so just pretend that the list goes on.

Visit The Histories' Sister Project: Kryz's Harper Portraits

How and Why this project was done:

The Histories:

Master Caramak:   

Apprentice Cattana:  (Now a DolphinCraft Apprentice)

Apprentice Falada:  (Now a Sr. Apprentice)     

Sr. Apprentice Fennara:  (Now a Journeyman)

Journeyman Kaeryn: (Now a Master)     

Apprentice Kazyndra:  (Now a Sr. Apprentice) 

Apprentice Kristiana:  (Now Seacliffs Hold Bartender)

Sr. Apprentice Liesana:  (Now a Sr. Journeyman)

Apprentice Lionel:  (Now a Sr. Apprentice)

Student Lorsalia:  (Now a High Reaches Weyr Greenrider)

Student Moonn: 

Apprentice Rijalvas:   (Nuked, at the rank of Journeyman)

Apprentice Sorcen:  (Now S'cen, Ista Weyr Bronzerider)

Journeyman Tolia: (Now an NPC)