Updated 8/12/2010

Welcome to the John Wolf (1757-1835) Family Tree Homepage
This site was established on Saturday, August 16, 2003


2009 Reunion
2010 Reunion
2011 Reunion
2012 Reunion
No photos

2013 Reunion
2014 Reunion
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2015 Reunion
2016 Reunion
2017 Reunion
2018 Reunion


2010 Family Reunion
Click here for Photos

Minutes from the 89th ? WOLFE Reunion 2010

The meeting was called to order at 3:10 PM by president Lee Wagner on a sunny and pleasant day with temperatures around 83 degrees with low humidity. 

No moments of remembrance were needed.

Reading of the minutes by Eileen were approved by Walter Wagner and Rich Wolfe.

The treasurer’s report by Sandra (Wolfe) Sommers showed a beginning balance of $197.37.  After expenses of charcoal, reserving the tables, stamps,  and copies the expenses totaled $91.52.  The balance of $105.85 indicated that we would not need to take a collection.  Motion to approve the treasurer’s report was made by Hank Wolfe and Pat Wolfe.

The correspondence shared was from Tim Wolfe and family with their regrets that they could not attend.

Election of officers for next year resulted in Ron Smith moving up to President, Richard Wolfe being elected to Vice President, and Sandra and Eileen remaining as treasurer and secretary.

A thank you for all those who helped to organize the reunion and all those who traveled to be in attendance was given by Lee Wagner.

Announcement of total attendance was 43, two more than last year!  Let’s keep the attendance rise on an uphill climb.   Those in attendance were Millicent Wolfe; Ron & Eileen Angelino; Kevin, Jenifer, Bradley & Caden Wright; Sandra & Jerry Sommers; Caroline Wolfe Papocchia & Robert Papocchia; Sean, Tanya, & Gavin Angelino; Hank & Meg Wolfe; Virginia Smith; Jim & Linda Garcia; Carol Jurin; Harry & Betty Jenkins; Meghan  & Tim Green; Richard & Pat Wolfe; Walter & Nancy Wagner and grandson Matthew Samberg; Greg, Henry, and Ted Wolfe; Eva Wolfe; Gerald and Joyce Morgenroth Wolfe; Neal Wolfe; Lee & Louise Wagner; Jonah Harding; Alan & Julie Bedard; Josh Bedard; and Malissa Grimsley.

Choices for particulars for next year’s reunion were Nazareth Borough Park on Saturday, August 6th,2011 at 1:00 PM until ? .  Sandra will call for reservations

The photo memory book being developed will have eleven chapters, one for each of the eleven children of Harvey and Annie Wolfe.  He needs photos (old and new) and biographies of the children of Harvey and Annie(Frickert) Wolfe and any other pertinent information.  Jim needs a contact person for each of the eleven so please, forward an e-mail address to him as soon as possible.  Designate someone in your family who is capable with computers to compile the information and give it to Jim.   His e-mail is jimgarcia@jagwebpages.com .

A motion was made by Jim Garcia to purchase a website for a nominal fee of around $7.00 to eliminate the pop ups on the present Wolfe website.  After discussion the motion was seconded by Rich Wolfe and passed unanimously.

Greetings and updates from each branch of the family were given.

A motion to adjourn was made by Sandra Sommers at 3:40 PM and seconded by Walter Wagner.  Grace was given by Sean Angelino for the meal and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by Eileen (Wolfe) Angelino

P.S.  The new website for the Wolfe family is www.johnwolf90.com

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