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The following is taken from the introduction of Rick Faye's Book 0n Panantukan: A Guide to Panantukan (the Filipino Boxing Art)

It is available to all from the MKG. (Please tell them you saw it here!)
"Panantukan is a Boxing Art. We are using the term "Boxing" in the broadest sense. In the historical sense of Filipino Martial Arts the empty hand arts were mild compared to their weapon counterparts. However, these boxing methods are not "safety" oriented. The fist was covered with Hemp rope or left bare. Elbows, knees, thumbs and body manipulations are used to enhance the punching system.
     I like this method for many reasons. It is a balanced system, allowing you to switch leads when necessary and defend against a wide variety of attacks. You are encouraged to use a large arsenal of body tools. Elbows, knees, fingers, thumbs and forearms are used between punches or combinations.
     Kali and it's subset, Panantukan, encourage individual creativity. As you begin to combine the elements of Panantukan you will achieve a "free flow" feel very quickly."

Faye: A Guide to Panantukan, 2000

Training Basics
Shadow boxing

Shadow boxing serves many purposes to our training. It offers a chance to warm up the muscles, get the body coordinated and the mind focused. It is a tool for self analyzation of movement. Feeling our way through techniques repeatedly increases muscle memory and smoothes transitions from techniques and combinations. Every technique used can be shadow boxed against an imaginary target. Creativity and visualization are utilized and developed as we express our techniques.

Individual technique and Combinations

Partner training

Every technique and combination that is shadow boxed can be used with a partner. Although care  must be taken not to strike or injure our partners. To aid in approximating an actual target and simulate an opponent, drills are done with a feeder and a responder. Particular responses are developed against various attacks and counters. Having a moving partner gives us the feel and tactile reinforcement that helps develop more realistic technique.
Focus mitt training

The same techniques and combinations used above are repeated but with the addition of focus mitts and bag gloves we can actually have our partner hold for techniques we can hit with force. The drills with focus mitts closely resemble the partner drills with some deviation for safety and economy of motion. This are of training is where we can cut loose and really go at it.

Basic Attacks/De fences
Boxing hand strikes, with an emphasis on non gloved techniques: Rick Faye has described the techniques of Panantukan as "everything that is in western boxing and everything that is illegal(not allowed) in boxing. The art is a loosely systematic method of street fighting. I use the term "loosely" because we are not taught regimented classes that progress with belts, katas and such. Rick teaches the individual techniques, puts them together in drills that are designed to teach offense and defense, accounting for the free hands, and utilizing body position manipulation for advantage and strong follow up or finishes.  It is not a sport in the western sense. Though it is  said that in the Philippines they consider it more sport oriented than say, Kali knife fighting because no one is getting cut!
hair pulling
head push/manipulation
eye gouging, ear rake or slap
Elbows, knees, foot stomp, head butts
Foot Work
Escala foot work, many variations
Emphasis on both leads, switching leads
in response to opponent, avoidance or better attacking angle
to position opponent in a causal manor-proactive-shove into advantageous position

Hu Bud (close range striking and parrying drills) trains a reflex response to stimuli of varying angles and pressure.
with punch to catch, left and right side
switches; A. catch on inside, pull to outside (shoulder), push / thrust. partner wedges, pats and now punches with opposite hand. B option to push / thrust: as arm extends grab and elbow break pat and punch. (or elbow biceps, backhand, wedge, pat and punch; C catch, elbow fist, backhand, wedge, pat and hit.
with punch to parry inside, outside
wedge switch
high-low wedge switch
arm drag inside, outside
elbows feed repeating elbows each side

Gun-ting (scissoring destructions, stop hits)
Other destructions
raking elbow: Used to snap across target
jamming elbow: Combination of elbow and cover, a salute movement; attacks limbs, chest, or head
Body manipulations
Arm drag/dumag
head push/rotate
hair pulling
foot stomp/push
Destructions in conjunction with above or intercepting (elbow, knees)

Basic Combinations (Done in both leads): Usually consist of individual techniques linked together like the notes of a song, played in both left and right lead. Different pieces are strong together to simulate different reactions or counters. Most techniques are shadow boxed to give a good warm up and familiarize the movements then the same (or as similar as possible) movements are punched out on the focus mitts.
Jab, Cross, Hook x2
Jab, Cross, Uppercut x2
Jab, Cross, Body Hook x2
Jab, Cross, Backfist(or hammer fist, knife hand, etc) w/step through, Cross, Hook, Cross x2

Basic Gunting Combinations
Outside Gun-ting
Catch the Jab, Outside Gun-ting the inside of the Cross; Cross, Hook, Cross
Catch the Jab, Outside Gun-ting the inside of the Cross; Backfist and step forward(lead switch), Cross, Hook, Cross
Repeat with Elbow at end of sequence. Thrown from the lead arm.
After the Gunting the lead arm snaps into a lead Elbow. I.e. left lead, left elbow. Then Cross, Hook, Cross.
Second sequence, after gunting step out and new lead arm does a "waslik" (throw the arm away) and brushes off same side limb, and snaps across with an elbow followed by a lead backfist then Cross, Hook, Cross
Catch the Jab, Outside gunting the inside of the Cross; Lead gunting hand captures limb and salute/elbow the limb(wrist, forearm, biceps, shoulder), chest or face. The more traditional combination elbows the biceps, followed by a scoop and uppercut, a pull and backfist, and Cross, Hook, Cross.
Outside to Inside Guntings
Outside gunting to the jab, Inside gunting to the cross, lead backfist(or eye thumb, face push, arm check, etc) and cross, hook, cross. x2(switch leads)
Basic Combinations Versus the Upper Cut
Alternating Elbow / forearm parries on same side (take on elbow for intercepting destruction, can be used like an intercepting hook-jab so that fist hits to body while arm takes deflection, or just deflect)  Followed by "hand in" to manipulate head. The last checking hand raises to opposite side of opponents face, ideally palm up( if it just checked the Upper Cut it already is) so that crook of wrist/thumb matches nicely at jaw line, and push for head manipulation. Although as usual it doesn't have to be an upward facing "hand in". It can be a back hand hammer fist to face or neck, a forearm smash to same, a karate chop, whatever works.
Forearm parry on same side followed by scoop to opposite side (your hand is already half way there!) followed by uppercut, elbow to biceps into lead backfist, rear cross, hook, cross. It's sooo pretty!
The stifle is a simple drop of your hand to catch the incoming upper cut followed by an immediate punch. It doesn't have to stop it necessarily stop it altogether, just prevent it from connecting. The upward inertia of the uppercut helps throw your hand back up into the opponents face. It should look like it almost bounces down and across to the target.
Alternating stifle and hit on same side, followed by lead backfist, cross-hook-cross.
Alternating cross stifle and hit on opposite side