
The museum board will evaluate your presentation using the following rubrics.


Group Project Cooperation Rubric

30% of grade

Contributions to group

Needs work

15 points each


20 points each


25 points each


Research & gather information

Collects little information-- most doesn't relate to the assigned topics.

Collects the basic information-- most relates to the assigned topics.

Collects a great deal of information-- all relates to the assigned topics.


Share information with group

Relays very little information to the group--most does not relate to the assigned topics

Relays the basic information needed to the group-- most relates to the assigned topics.

Relays a great deal of information to the group-- all relates to the assigned topic.


Completes work on time

(Teacher develops a time frame for assignments)

Does not complete assignments in the allotted time period.

Completes most of the assignments within the allotted time period.

Completes all assignments within the allotted time period.


Cooperates with other group members

Rarely allows other group members to give input, doesn't consider views of teammates and/or argues with teammates.

Listens to other group members, but sometimes talks too much, usually considers all views of teammates and/or rarely argues.

Listens and speaks a fair amount, helps team reach a fair decision, and/or never argues with teammates.


Presentation Rubric

60% of grade


Needs Work

12 points each


16 points each


20 points each



Presents little of the required information; does not answer question or elaborate with examples.

Presents most of the required information; answers the question, but doesn't elaborate with many examples.

Presents all required information; answers the question and backs up opinion with good examples.



Most required slides are missing, incomplete, or not in the correct order.

Most required slides are complete and in the correct order.

All required slides are complete and in the correct order.



Presentation contains more than 5 spelling errors and/or grammatical errors.

Presentation contains more than 3 spelling errors and/or grammatical errors

Presentation contains no more than 3 spelling errors and/or grammatical errors





Presentation contains few of the required design elements; presentation lacks creativity; some elements detract from the presentation.

Presentation contains most of the required design elements, but doesn't present them in a creative way that enhances the presentation.

Presentation contains all required elements of design: background, text, graphics, and animation in a creative way that enhances the presentation.



Does little to cooperate with the group or contribute to the design or preparation of the presentation

Cooperates with the group; but needs help from other group members to complete his/her share of the work required by the group in designing and preparing the presentation.

Cooperates with group; contributes and equal share of the work in designing and preparing the presentation.




Self Evaluation

10% of grade

Answer the following questions about this project.


  1. Did you use your class time wisely? Print a copy of the daily journal and describe what you did each day of the project in the boxes.
  2. Did you work well with your group? Describe how your group divided the responsibilities for research and preparing your presentation.
  3. If you were to do this project again, what would you change?
  4. What did you like most about this project?
  5. What did you like the least about this project?


Daily Journal

Day 1:





Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:





Day 5:

Day 6:





Day 7:





Day 8:


Home Introduction Task
Process Conclusion Teacher Notes