A tribute to "the Beatles game"


I imagine if you're coming to this page, you know about what used to be www.helpgame.net, the Help! game. I'm "john w. lennon," a member you may know. This page is meant to be a tribute to the legend that is Help!. Many of you knew it well, developed friendships, beat the game 500 times, and eventually, got excruciatingly bored. Personally, I've done it all as well, but the thing I value the most is the friendships I made there. I've met some great people, and probably just as many morons!

Looking back on my memories of Help!, there are many people I haven't seen in ages. They advanced past Help!, found something else to do, left it in the dirt. I can't blame them, because I was gone myself until the game died, and like many of you who probably found this page, I didn't know what I had until I lost it.

But now that I reminisce, I realize how great it really was. This led me to establish this page as, I hope, a center of communications for past gamers. Without further ado, I welcome you to the Help! game tribute.